is the flood real ?


Registered Users (C)

We have seen a lot of approvals lately but a lot of them seem to be from first time posters. The cases that have been tracked are not going down in number significantly. I have beeen keeping some private status based on PCees data. as an example there were 56 april cases on dec 19 which had done finger printing but had not been approved. Now inspite of over 150 approvals in Jan/Feb, there are still about 30 cases pending in apr. which means only 26 were actually reduced from the count, the rest of them were first time posters. Doesnt seem to do us much good does it ?

Any thoughts ?
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i am not sure, but my guess would be that most of these 30 not approved are not active on the board... may be its worth checking whether these handles are still active on the board
LA area cases are not apporving fast

One another thing, the cases approved till now are more form North california. From may thread there is nobody who is approved in LA area.
any guess
No, hs ks, I think most of those 30 are active on this board and anxious too...

There was a thread sometime ago that was to track April waiters. That thread was full of posters who are on the April tracking lists. Some of them may not post actively so you won\'t be able to track activity. Maybe a fresh thread can be started to see how many of the pending 30 are still out there and ask them to post their status.
around 12 +/- 2 are not active....

my point is the number of open cases should have gone down drastically, but is still reducing at a snails pace. only a reduction of 26 over 2 months when we recorded 150 approvals (a bulk of which were apparently april approvals !).
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my mistake...i dont track these things and don\'t check them often... i kinda guessed...
point taken both dee rod and koixnahin
Consider an analogy here -

I went to a mountain resort earlier this week with my family. It had been very warm and sunny for the last several days with temperature in the 70\'s. We went to bed thinking we would not be able to go skiing on this trip. We wake up next morning and see fresh fluffy snow on the mountain slopes. I was flabbergasted and thought maybe it had snowed last night. Wait! but the sun was still shining brightly and it was still unseasonally warm. I looked around and then I saw the rows of snow making machines spewing out fake snow. Sure it was snow but was it of the real kind that mother nature makes. No!
fake and real approvals

I am sure that GC approvals are much much higher than reported on this board

Also am sure that some of them are bunch of false entries (God knows by whom) and the sadistic pleasure that some people get by posting false data. Please note I am not referring to any specific approval or handle(s) or person(s).

But I was sure that this would happen and that people would try such stunts.

But if we look at it in another way then the question is - am I interested in tracking each and every case of INS ?

No - My intention is to generate a weekly / monthly summary trend data which may or may not be polluted by false entries.

However I am sure that peoples primary concern is as follows.

a) Me
b) My family
c) My relatives
d) My friends
e) The rest of the world

So my suggestion is look at trends and also try to read messages and post helpfull messages to help others.

In doing so we will understand the mysteries of INS and come out smiling.

This is Enough! No finger pointing towards me!! Please !!!


I got tired of taking blames on this forum, especially since last two weeks for somebody else deeds. I am a happy going person who wants peace in life.
Please don\'t judge and punish people on falsified data.

Vishnu Mahadev
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I am very sure that you have very good intentions, you really wanted to help people on this board in your own way. I know few liked it and few had some problems with it, and after some very unfortunate arguments things turned very bad. I think the best way to avoid unnecessary arguments is to not to get into one, and on a public board like this is to have patience and ignore some messages.

By the way I don\'t know what makes you think that rsrgc\'s message #4 points finger at you! I feel you are unnecessarily taking the blame and feeling guilt! rsrgc\'s message is a very generic one! On a public board like this one, it is highly possible that people may provide wrong information accidentally or purposefully. I know ciba also mentioned several times (whenever there is an approval that is very out of ordinary)"it\'s an old entry and information looks reliable". When I am summarizing I am trying my best to make sure to compile all data but omit all suspicious ones!

Vishnu if I were you I won\'t respond to this kind of messages in this way, in other places if some one posts with my name with some wrong information I would just say that it\'s not me. I don\'t think there is any need for any explanation. People are intelligent on this board and I know they can make their own decision, and by giving explanation may not change it a bit!

Goodluck vishnu
my 2c worth (a bit lengthy one -sorry)

Can some one compare two summaries (the latest one vs. old one that is compiled by mighty count -the link is available in April summary, next to the main heading) and find out how many approved recently that are in mighty count\'s summary?

1. One problem I realized is that several people are coming on to the board only after approval saying that they got approved. If we also get proportional number of people with similar RDs who are also waiting then it gives some very good idea about waiting...

2. There may be one or two bad records! But as a whole I am confident that most of the approvals are genuine. Based on the description provided I don\'t have any reason to believe that they are false.

3. It may not be reasonable to compare approvals in the past with recent ones based on month etc. Because several things impact this!
] Note that before April, threads are not organized, probably this site became a bit more popular, useful for CSC I-485 applicants and more are coming to this site, and more are willing to share their information.
] We also need to account Holidays (Dec 25, Jan 1) and Sept 11 impact etc. on Jan approvals.
] In ciba\'s site since actual dates are not included we didn\'t have same type of info available for the past approvals. (I know that in those days approvals were taking more than a year and tracking date didn\'t matter much)!
] Several other things also matter for people to become more interested and get involved in the process. For e.g. Starting May receipts got delayed and every one got interested and that\'s one of the reasons why threads started. Also with current job market people are more worried and want to be more active etc.

This is a very useful discussion, I tried my best to sort the data in all possible useful ways I can think of in the summary, provided links to user\'s most recent posts etc. so that some one can spend some time and look into data and come out with some numbers. I hope some one will have time and patience and will come out with numbers.

Goodluck to all
PCee ..

There is a double dot on the \'i\' in Vishnu in that message you
responded to. Please look carefully and ignore such messages.
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I guess I made a mistake, and I am sorry about that. As GreenDesi, BVM noted I didn\'t realize that it\'s may not be you who responded to message#4 so please do ignore second paragraph in #6.

Probably I will delete that message after some time.

BVM & GreenDesi thank you