Is Status Check with USCIS AILA Liaison effective ?


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My Status Check has entered the "60-90 days" cycle. In other words
USCIS says....give us 60-90 days. After 60-90 days, am sure it will
be another 60-90 days...and on and on and on.

Congressman also seems to have fallen into the same......60 days,,another
60 days...give another 60 days.....either USCIS is fooling Congressman
or Congressman's office is hoodwinking me.

Trying USCIS AILA Liaison now for enquiry. Does anyone have any info ?
Experience ? Is it effective in any way ? Is it just an enquiry or can
an Expedite be requested too ?

Any experience shared will be helpful.
My paralegal told that she will be inquiring through AILA. I never got any response from her so far. I don't even know how this inquiry is different from the status inquiry we have initiated.

My case also falls in the same category, my paralegal asked me to wait for 30 more days before going through AILA for pending I140.

My AILA inquiry was pretty fast. VSC liaison committee made the inquiry and got a response in a week. If your case is delayed by VSC, AILA liaison can help expedite. but if the delay is due to name check, nothing can be done about it, which is where i got stuck. Hope this is helpful.
I am also in the same situation. 485 files in Dec 2002. Congressman's office told me that my case is stuck with FBI for name check. I don't know what FBI is doing all this 2 years. Now I am at the mercy of FBI.
More questions

How did you know your case was stuck due to Name Check ?

Was it by virtue of the AILA enquiry ?

And what did you do after that ?

My normal status enquiry says ..."case pending service consideration. Allow
60-90 days" this symptomatic of Name Check issue or something else ?
That means the end is near. I had the same message in my status enquiry and got approved within 2-3 weeks.
Ur namecheck,security check etc must be completed by now and its on the desk of an IIO.

I know a couple more friends who had the same experience as I had. Just hope for the best.
Chakal.....just not quite sure..

While I hope in my heart of hearts that your words may turn true, I am
frankly not quite sure. Or why sure ? I would say I am still not optimistic.

As per my lawyer, not much should be read into this.

In other words, USCIS is just plain lying/ what you may.

Your case approval , in my opinion, is entirely unrelated to your
Case Status saying "pending Service Consideration".

USCIS seems to have a set of 3 or 4 possible Case Status Responses that
are just ad-hocly distributed amongst applicants making inquiries.

Which brings me to what I have been reiterating off and on; this kind of
blatant unscrupulousness can only be handled by us, the applicants, the
affected people getting together, meeting folks like Congressmen , VSC
Directors/Officials face 2 face and submitting memorandums/petitions etc.
And in that effort, the larger the group, the better the results.
Who are we meeting and what are we signing?

I am with you. Just circulate drafts or meeting info.
We need to talk to decide exactly that

Drafts, meeting info details, who we are meeting...these are exactly
the kind of stuff we need to talk about.

I don't think one persoon can/should decide and just make the others
swallow it.

My suggestion ( I think I am saying this for the 100the time ) ....
let's set up a tele-con and talk. Evenings...weekends..anything.

Once again, guys, let's talk, maybe once , maybe twice and take this forward.

I am still at a loss...why don't we just get it ? If we don't do it ourselves,
it will always be the M-th or N-th item for someone else's agenda !!! Its
OUR problem, let's get together and address it !

Let's talk talk talk....