Is perfect case approved first?


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Got a phone call from a friend and glad to know his case (02-167-XXXXX, no RFE, no inquiry) was approved today. My case is one week earlier than his, and it was just touched on May 4th, 2004. I guess maybe his case was also touched about that time, but he is working for a public company, never changed job, so he is in good shape in officer's eyes and got approved first. On the other hand, I am working for a small private company and changed job twice before I started Green card process, so it is not in good shape, therefore, my case is not a small cake, it will take longer time? I figured this out because my FP notices (twice) were exactly one week earlier than his each time, but this time this pattern doesn't work, so it must be the case itself. Do you guys agree? Are there any perfect cases (no job change at all, no crime, work for a big or public company) earlier than 02-167 are still waiting? Please prove I am wrong. Oh, the other difference is he donated $50 to, so I also donated $50 today and I hope it works.
> changed job twice before I started Green card process

I doubt that will matter. Never heard of that being an issue. I mean, there are lots of people getting approvals changing job after starting GC. So just cool it and do something fun to forget this GC torture. It's summer after all..
> Oh, the other difference is he donated $50 to, so I also donated $50 today and I hope it works.

Congratulations on your friend's approval and your donation to ImmigrationPortal.ORG !!
Who_Loves_BCIS said:
Got a phone call from a friend and glad to know his case (02-167-XXXXX, no RFE, no inquiry) was approved today. My case is one week earlier than his, and it was just touched on May 4th, 2004. Please prove I am wrong. Oh, the other difference is he donated $50 to, so I also donated $50 today and I hope it works.

I do think u r wrong. There is no logical reasoning for the way BCIS works.

One eg is mine ....My case is wac 02 151 5XXXX (ND 2nd April, 2002) EB1 category with a priority date of Sept, 2001. Did I get my case approved...NO. My touch date was 5 4 04. I have been employed in my company for almost 4 yrs now. My 2nd FP 01 08 04.

One interesting story is one of my colleague who got her case approved (entire family) in June, 2003 (her wac # was 02 157 5XXXX)... yes last yr...She filed after me. Her entire process took 1.5 yrs (EB1 category). Her I 140 got approved in 2 months. Look at me with the same category waiting for almost three years since the PD date.

No hopes at all...........tired n frustrated in these 9 yrs in US. :mad:
Does a country of origin matter

I am wondering if a country of origin matters.

I am EB2, priority date May 2001 and ND March 2002 and still waiting. However, I know others have been approved, some within a year, and all the cases I know are Europeans/Australians/New Zealanders.

I should ask the compilation of approval per country of origin through the Freedom of Information Act.....
Not in my case..

UK country of origin - still waiting! :( Also know a lot of UK/Irish still in the queue).
Don't think USCIS uses race as the factor. Know a few Australians and
Belgians still waiting when Indians who filed after them have got approved.
That is one mistake they cannot afford to make. This is a tough country
when it comes to racial profiling.
True! INS is pretty much blind to everything and passes no favours when it comes to approvals. It is like playing a game of Russian Roulette, if you are lucky and made the right offerings to the gods, you will be approved, else you join the 'backlog'.

As someone mentioned, it is summer, time to have some fun. GC will come as it comes. Hopefully this spate of approvals keeps up and we all get approved within the year. :)
Your case is assigned to an officer with a bunch of other cases. Whenever he gets to your case that's when something happens.
If your case is assigned to an officer ,in other words, it has bewen taken off the shelf, this is a good sign. You will hear from them soon.
As to the order, again, it dependsa on the officer's workload.

good luck

INS is too stupid to work on any calculable path. Over the years I have seen tons of theories being floated on this portal, all of them have been disproved by INS ingenuity. IMHO, INS motto is, "We discriminate against all and sundry." I think INS approves cases because it is forced by congress to do so :)

Anyway as others have rightly pointed, take it easy and do your bidding by faxing, donating and participating in campaigns. Beyond that we can not do much... so deal with it accordingly.
I don't think country of Origin matters at all. But coming to think of out of order process within 02 filers, should have some reason. Just like someone earlier said that people who have got their FP in early Jan are getting approved without RFE now. There seems to be some reasoning (I know that sounds unbelievable with BCIS) in how they approve 02s.

My guess :
I guess BCIS is probably working this way. 02s who have had their FP and have a clean record (no AC21), does not need RFE - So, approve these first.

OK, Im 02129*. I see lot of 02-13*, 02-14* approvals. But Im AC21 case. I did not send any papers telling I changed job. How does INS know I am AC21 ? My Lawyer changed and my address changed. Address probably doesnot matter, unless its a different state probably. In which case they might want to send RFEs. Im not sure what the lawyer informs INS when they want to take over from another lawyer. But for an IIO, these small things could be considered as "Complicated cases", "need to be dealt later". Or such cases are given to IIOs who are relatively new to this process and are probably faster than the rest of them.

This might be totally wrong and I hope it is. Can't tell unless approved people post their whole history of their FPs, AC21, addresss change etc., in their approval threads, instead of just telling us how happy they are to get approved. I mean, I totally understand their happiness, but posting out their history will be more useful for co-waiters.
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Say you have boring but cushy job, your job is not exciting but not much of what you do is held accountable either. What do you do? Take it easy and start slipping on deliverables. People effected question, you come up with excuses. Things get worse, your excuses do not cut it any more as people and administration sees that performance is far worse than what you can account for with all the excuses. The heat is turning up. You try to put out what ever you can to show that you are on to your work (pilots, new rules). Time to show results, you tighten your belt and start working. You try to work on cleaning up the mess in a way that it yields optimal results for you. That would depend on the state of the mess.
Now if someone knows what kind of mess CIS is in as viewed from within, we can find the reasoning behind the pattern. Even if we do, I don’t think it will help us much. I expect the JIT to keep moving fairly smoothly. My frustration with out of order approvals aside,. all I have to say at this point is if your case is a month behind JIT beat down on CIS’s doors. Contact senators. Call up FBI if your name check is held up .Do what ever it takes to get you out. You owe it to your self. If there is any thing that we can do to help, we gladly will. Good luck!
Even AC21 is not the case. Know bunch of AC21 who are vacationing after
getting GC recently without RFE. Now how is that?

When it comes to USCIS
Logic is overrated (From the movie Gothika)