Is original approval notice a must for stamping?


New Member
Does anybody know whether the original approval notice a must for stamping purpose? Can I use courtesy copy for stamping purpose? I'm asking because the stupid, overpaid law firm provided INS with wrong firm address, and original approval notice was lost. I have courtesy copy on hand, will that be OK to take it with me for stamping purpose?

Thank you all!
There are lot of chains in this message board, where people have put forward their stamping experience and the documents they carried with them. There are also some postings where the BCIS local office has insisted on original I-485 approval notice.

You will end up getting mixed response for your query as some people got the stamping with courtesy copy itself and some were insisted to get the original.

Check the chains relevant to the local office where you will be going for stamping and the experiences of other people who went there earlier to you. You will find the answer for yourself.

Good luck
Three of my friends went to the Newark (NJ) social security office with their cuortesy copies and had their passports stamped without any issues. Hope this helps.