Is NSC slowing down for real??


Registered Users (C)
Approvals are trickling down from NSC at a excruciatingly slow pace. Would be true to believe that War and the high alert across Americas could have triggered the more scrutunized processing of 485 application.

It has been three weeks (March 11, 2003) for me to wait after I BCIS has received my RFE response. I know there are folks out there who have been waiting a lot longer that I have, but then there are folks who were approved even though their RFE received date was later than mine.

Please reply with you info.

Waiting ...

My RFE response was received on Mar 13. ...

One of the factors that affect the RFE approval is what type of RFE it is. I have seen that if there only Employement RFE or Medicals, it gets approved quickly. Birth Certificate related stuff usually takes longer to approve. Hower this is only based on small sample of rupnet. And always, there are a few exceptions.

No Evidence of A Slowdown

While the pace is painful, this weeks approvals are typical from my analysis. They seem to be a little slower than last week, but not off by much.

What you have to understand is that the Rupnet sample size is extreamly small. We have data on only about 6,000 cases, of which we are relying on people who voluntarily share their info with the world. According to the INS statistics at the end of FY2001, there were 970,000 cases pending AOS. So we have a sample size of roughly 5%. While statisticly this is pretty good, this is going to mean that some days we are going to see many approvals on Rupnet, others none at all. On average though we will have a faily good idea of what is going on, but do not get too bothered about the day to posting of data, it is only going to serve to drive you crazy.
gcoct and girish

What are you RDs?

Mine is October 18, 2001.

I really hope that NSC get its act straight and start approving cases. I am a pretty patience person but my patience is running out :(
my RD is in Aug 2001 (I don't remeber the actual date)
My ND is 09/17/2001
My LIN# is LIN-01-267-5xxxxx
Final wait is difficult

RD : OCT 29 '01
ND : NOV 23 '01
RFE: 20 FEB '03 ( BC and Employement)
RFE RCVD : 13 MAR '03

Talked to IIO today, was told that case has not been reassigned, and it will take "a few months" to make a decision.

Very Depressing...