Is my status illegal??


Registered Users (C)
I was on H-1, recently lost the job, but I do have an H1 from other company that hasn\'t been used \'cause the company doesn\'t have any project right now. How long can i stay legally without using the new H1. Is my status illegal right now?
What if I plan to change my status to H4, will my unused H1 still be valid??
Please do answer if you can.
No Title

First, applying for H4 cancels the H1 (change of status)!
Second, you can not hold 2 H1-Bs in the same time!
Whichever is the last one aproved is the valid one!
You can apply for a new H1-B or a transfer the offtime alowed by INS is really up to them! Legally 10 days from last paid day but they close their eyes if oyu find a new employereven after 6 months!
Spend some time on ISN.ORG forums and you\'ll find usefull info there!
Especially in this forum:

Good luck!

P.S. As for your status, I don\'t wanna scare you but it is ILLEGAL!

How does layoff affect my H1?

I\'m on an H1 and my wife on an H4.. I might get laid off in the near future. What happens to my status..? do I havev to leave the US in some specified amount of time? Can I change my visa to either a visitor or a business or something? or can my green card holding sister go ahead and apply for my and my wife\'s green card?
Does a green card application allow me to stay here even if I am
laid off?

I want to stay in the US to find another job...what are my and my wife\'s(on an H4 right now) options?