Is it worth changing employers for faster Labor ??


Registered Users (C)
Hi Experts,

I have an employer who wants to apply GC from Wyoming if I join them. Is it worth now with all these changes to change the employer for a faster Labor?

Please let me know as I have to answer in the next couple of days.

Thanks in advance,

h1babu said:
Hi Experts,

I have an employer who wants to apply GC from Wyoming if I join them. Is it worth now with all these changes to change the employer for a faster Labor?

Please let me know as I have to answer in the next couple of days.

Thanks in advance,


I don't thing it is a good idea to start your GC from Wyoming at this point. It will more likely end up in the Backlog Reduction Center (BEC), yours being most recent will be at the bottom of the pile.