Is it really worth....

i agree to some extent..

but think about home countries e.g. India. They spend atleast a million Rupees per student (IITians/ Doctors) remember this money is comming from the middle class taxpayers) and after getting degrees these people directly fly to foreign countries and guess what they start shouting about the system, laugh on the lifestyle they had ........
There memories become volatile.....

Isn't value of the money great thing !!

Can you imagine what will they say if Rupee becomes 50 times powerful (just imagination) !!

Are you dragging your kids after you ......

Are they able to become homogeneous with the system, community, school .....

Just give your kid lunch pack cooked at home with the "home" style and try to stop by lunch room .... is he eating? is he hiding something?
Everyone seems to be right…..but tell me one thing…how many guys have gone back to their native country to work…after getting GC..?? I think very few….its really a hard decision to make…but what ever your ambitions or dreams are don’t think too much about “Is it really worth…”. If one has good ties with his country…with lot many friends and relatives and he/she really misses them..than going back is the only option…for the comforts one has it out here will never give you peace of mind you are looking for…:rolleyes:
This is a very interesting discussion, and it's okay to be conflicted about decisions such as "is it better to stay here or go back home." We as a group have chosen to immigrate to the United States because there are multiple advantages--both material and otherwise--of living in this excellent country. Just let us agree maybe that by choosing to immigrate from India or whereever we have not abandoned or betrayed our home countries in any way. We needn't be torn apart by feelings of "guilt." I agree with andy2000 that despite tall claims about nostalgia, homesickness etc few people go back home after getting their coveted "green cards." So some serious self-introspection guys and learn to come to terms with choices you make, decisions you make. Somebody on this thread has chosen one super way to reconcile with the "pain" of staying away from home: just imagine the earth to be a small pale blue dot (just as Carl Sagan used to say) and imagine yourself to be a humble inhabitant of this earth--global citizenship zindabad!
"to go back or not to go back, that is the question"--poor dislocated Hamlets all.:confused: :eek:
Here is one more opinion from my colleague

"I do not worry about my daughter once she is 16. Whether she follows ANY culture. I get money, I am the king. She is free to live as she likes. Himself and his wife are going to enjoy their life!!!".
See impactnow…to each his own…in a free society everyone has right to think and live his own way…so I am not gonna dispute your above mentioned quotes (though personally I feel it very repulsive..and also I feel right now your dear friend does not have a teenager daughter at home ….otherwise he would be singing a different tune!!!) …everyone in this thread is talking about our desi value system etc …and we should be proud of it and with our such a rich culture and tradition if we are getting a superb deal in education…sports..awareness…in this country than what is the harm…? Who tells you to adopt stupid things..? Even the educated middle class American family has to some extent the same values…what we have … guys don’t bother too much about making $$$$ …instead ….enjoy life …take the best ….learn…travel a lot…have fun…which will give you more confidence to face the life …where ever you are in the world……africa…asia..

God Bless India and America.
There is no dispute on freedom of

thought... I agree with you.

But is it really possible to stay "dry" in a lake? Isn't this unjust for kids not to adopt the things they see around in their every day life. How can you keep them away from the unwanted things as a parent. How to weigh and balance these things.

Kids don't have "close" friends around. How can they become homogeneous to the part of "this" society and "that" culture?
Frankly Imapctnow….I think every human being is same in thinking..emotions..etc..its just a matter of how much..and the upbringing …the way we are brought up at home, which place a very important role in a kids life…even when we were young our grand parents had more impact on our thinking than our parents..but now even in India this is everyone is busy making money…in cities like are more daring and spend more money than out here..(‘cause of black money)…what I mean to say is that in today’s world it’s the nuclear family…(Mom, Dad and kids)…who together will have to be friends of each other…(other wise kids will look somewhere else …).gone are the days when me and you used to play in back alleys of our home till dark…used to stay out all of Sunday without being questioned…no one does this now..the media..has spoiled or improved (depending on the way we think) the whole fun….

I have been in this country for over 6years now…with 2 teenagers….and I spend a lot on their education (sending them to private school)…don’t have a cable at home….play basket ice skating….go to park every other weekend and spend whole day …pickniking…we all go to library…spend few hours…watch educative video’s ..we all do their homework together….exchanging ideas…visit..temples, gurudwars…give talks about India…at the local Church, kids School, Boy Scouts get-together…compel them to dream big…talk about some very good schools like Harvard, that they work get in there..I think there are plenty of things out here to keep kids BUSY..keep them busy…that’s what I think…..I really don’t know what others are looking in life…?

Anyway…thank you so much Impact…for starting this thread…though this is not the right forum to discuss…but at least we learned a lot from so many guys views…have a nice weekend…
All of you have brought interesting perspectives to the table. Here is my two cents worth as mine is kind of a strange case.
My parents used to live in this country about 30 years ago. I was very young then ( I was not born here) and my father was a researcher at a prestigious institution in the N. E part of this country. For him such things as Green Cards etc were of little importance and when he decided to return to India he let the residency etc lapse.
Why did he go back? It is not an easy question to answer. Was it the cultural difference...probably to some extant. On the other hand he is an extremely broad minded person and even though he lived through the "Hippie" era in this country and probably did not take to all that was going on, I do not think the cultural issue was the only reason. I think each of us has individual desires which shape these decisions. There are many bad things about every part of the world and what matters ultimately is what we decide to accept and reject in each culture. The U.S does offer things beyond a mere paycheck such as an opportunity to pursue one's interests whatever they may be ( not necessarily money related interests). By this I am not suggesting that India does not. India for all its problems is still a democracy with a certain amount of freedom that many other countries do not afford. The problem is that we lack the infrastructure as well as sometimes the will to allow people to blossom...but I am sure things will get better. Nothing is static. On a personal note, I have no idea what I will do 10 or 20 yrs from now...right now I aim is to get through this GC nightmare!!!
On a more humorous note, my parents are probably one of the first Indians to see a XXX movie. Its true! When the ratings came out (around 1969-70) my parents not knowing that it had anything to do with sex actually drove down to New York city and went to one of the infamous theaters on 42nd street. I think they stayed for about 2 minutes and then slunk out of the theater in sheer disbelief and embarrasment!!!:eek: :eek: Of course they related this incident to my sister and myself only years later when we were older.
Bottom line is EACH TO HIS/HER OWN!!!
vow ....Rastamandrum....great

I see quite a lot of brilliant desis..with such mature thinking….!!!

Mera Bharat Mahan...Impactnow...your thread is on the top ten..since last so many weeks man!!!!!!
My thoughts on this matter..

Whenever my friends talk about going back I ask them to think about the reason that made them come here in the first place. If that reason/situation has not changed it is a no-brainer they will come back to bother you. These feelings have a way of moving in cycles.
mad par, I like your view of GC. Thank you for sharing it.

I have never thought about it in that way. In my case, I have a big family back in my home country, I really want to go back where my heart belongs to. But the problem is that my kids are too old to go back. I have run out choices now. Then I am sure I need the insurance--GC
hmm..why do people only worry about their daughters getting "spoiled" in the US...what about sons? Id be equally worried.
Mine is approved....

Thanks to all for the thoughts you shared! This forum is a great one! Thanks again!
