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Is it okay to change my interview date???? Any experience??


Registered Users (C)
I receive the 2nd document from KCC few days ago. It says that I will have my interview on 11/06 at my coutry's American institute. However, I am currently work in USA and I want to change the date to December. I called KCC, they said I have to contact my contry's institute, however, when I write an-e-mail to ask my contry's, they said they didn't receive any document from KCC yet.

Is there anyone has experience changing the interview date? Is it OKAY?? Because in the document seems unlike you to change the date.

Thanks for answering!!!
dont change the dat

dont change the date of the interview as y may lose that chance of getting an interview on november as later y can not know when exacyly y will get the next interview , but y can change the location of the interview
I am not sure but y need to ask kcc by email and confirm that yr interview will be on december as y need,
let me know yrs
Can you tell me more about changing the location of the interview. I thought you were only allowed to be interviewed in your home country. Can you be interviewed some where else?
I still prefer to do the interview in my country because I haven't been back to it for over 2 years. If I can do the interview at December I could stay longer with my family as well. That will be perfect. Am I just too greedy?? :(

The other reason that I prefer to do interview in my country is about taxes. If I could get my green card this year and return to USA before 12/31, then I can apply it to the taxes next year, and I can have the same condition and rate as resident. It will save me a lot of money.

I think I shouldn't call KCC again. When I called KCC last time, they said The case is processing by local, said also in its second documents. While I wrote the e-mail to ask my country's insitute( they don't take any phone call to schedule apointment), they just said they didn't receive anything from kcc yet, but didn't say that I can't change the interview date.

I am so nervous~~~ The local institute is so slow! It takes one week to receive their reply. I really don't want to depart to in one week, I am not ready. BUt I also worry I will lose the precious chance to get green card by changing interview date. :( I don't think this is a serious issue. I hope there will be a good news. And I will post it to let everybody know. :rolleyes:

Good luck to me.
Hei, anyone has experience changing/postponing/adjusting the interview date?. I would like to know this since my sons are studying abroad and would like minimally interupt their study. It would be good to have the interview during summer. Any advice is highly appreciated.
Are you guys serious or what ? Do you really want this greencard or not ??? DO you have any idea how many millions of people would die to have an INTERVIEW DATE for a greencard ?????

Think carefully about this before trying to postpone your interview. We all have challenges but if this is something you want then you have to make it happen.

My husband has to leave school the week before his midterms to come down to the Caribbean to do CP and his professors say they do not know if he can continue in his classes after that since he is not allowed to miss classes however it has to be done. He might lose some of the money he paid for tuition [which is quite alot] and all the hard work he has put into his classes but in the long run it will pay off.

Once he has status he should be able to get a job and as a LPR be eligible for paying in-State tutition.

So just think about all of this before you give up an early interview which so many people would die for and maybe affect your chances of actually getting that greencard in your hand. I would suggest postponing your interview only in emergency situations or where you have no other choice at all.

That is just my view.
Folks, keep in mind, once all GCs for a region are issued you rot hell with a posponed interview.
Are you guys serious or what ? Do you really want this greencard or not ??? DO you have any idea how many millions of people would die to have an INTERVIEW DATE for a greencard ?????

Think carefully about this before trying to postpone your interview. We all have challenges but if this is something you want then you have to make it happen.

My husband has to leave school the week before his midterms to come down to the Caribbean to do CP and his professors say they do not know if he can continue in his classes after that since he is not allowed to miss classes however it has to be done. He might lose some of the money he paid for tuition [which is quite alot] and all the hard work he has put into his classes but in the long run it will pay off.

Once he has status he should be able to get a job and as a LPR be eligible for paying in-State tutition.

So just think about all of this before you give up an early interview which so many people would die for and maybe affect your chances of actually getting that greencard in your hand. I would suggest postponing your interview only in emergency situations or where you have no other choice at all.

That is just my view.
Exactly, I would be so much happier to in their position, to have an interview date. Oh well, go ahead and postpone, so much better for us waiting way way behind in the wings. :D, J/Kidding.