Is it ok to go ahead and apply for the PR with out the police certificates


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Hi could any one tell me if its okay to apply for the Canadian PR with out the police certificates. I lived in UK and so I have to wait for that Ceritificate to come as well as the FBI which would atleast take 5 weeks or more, and I dont want to waste that much of time so could any one clarify me and throw some light on the issue.

thanks much
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Better send the application with FBI clearence it will be much easier for your application to be processed fast. If you send Fingerprints to FBI by Fedex it only takes 3 weeks and you can submit your UK police clearence when you get your File #.
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But if I send it with out the FBI is it going to create any problems ? will I still be getting a file number along with the reminder to submit the FBI and UK papers ?

Please let me know

thans much
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IT IS NOT GOING TO CREATE ANY PROBLEMS BUT IT IS RECOMENDED IN APPLICATION KIT THAT IF YOU HAVE STAYED MORE THAN 6 months you must submit your FBI clearence and it will be better for your case that you have submited FBi clearence. Rest is up to you do it the way you want to do.
You may get your file no with out FBI clearence. As you might be aware even if you file your Papers now they are going to be assesed according to New Law Bill-C11 and the regulations are still not published and we hope that they are going to publish by end of this year and will be effective some time 2002. Buffalo currently takes 10 to 16 months.
No need to hurry up, I think some one might guided that if you file now you will be Subject to the current Point system and it is not going to be like that, all application are going to be assesed according to New law/regulations, Buffalo will not provide you a File no even after 90 days they will take time, so why are you in hurry file with the proper documents.
Police report

        I am in USA since 5 years and now since 2 year on H1b. Wanted to apply for Canadian PR, but wanted to make a complete application. As for the all attachments, do I need to submit the police report from my native country or from here in USA ? I would really appreciate your time to reply.
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so in this new C=11 stuff are they going to change the basis on which they assess people or are they going to change the entire process of migration itself. If you know of any website or any information regarding this could you please pass this on to me.

thanks much
I got the FBI clearance

Should I wait until receiving the File Number? Can I send the FBI clearance with a letter explaining that I sent the package 3 weeks ago?
Send it with File $

wait for the File # and then send FBI Clearence, if you send now with out the File # it may be misplaced.
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You need to submit FBI clearence in USA and if you are Citzen of India or Pakistan ypu do not need to Submit Police clearence as Canada Govt department will check it, Please read the list with Application kit it has enough information.
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hi I read somewhere in the web that the C11 is not going to implemented until 2002 Jun so in many of the cases that are applying now its not going to applicable i guess.

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Regulations are still to be published and no body knows when BillC-11 regulations will be effective, you are correct that they want it to be effective before June 2002, If you apply now it means it is going to take 3-4 months to get File # and I am sure that All the cases filled now will be Subject to New regulations as No Visa office is going to clear your case in 6-8 months time.
Do I still need Police clearence ?

I have asked for FBI report just today, taken fingerprints are sent to them, and wanna submit my application only after I get FBI clearence . Does it harm me to wait FBI ? and Do I still need state police clearences...from each state where I have stayed more then 6 months..may be I have stayed 3 states..more than 6 months
Thanks for your experienceful reply.
a canadian