Is it legal for the administation to take ideology into assessing admissibillity?

Jeb Bush as Prez in 2008, with McCain as the VP. That would be dynamic. :)

Who would the Dems nominate? Sharpton as Prez candidate and Dashcle as VP candidate? They would probably pick up the depressed Dems vote.

November 2nd 2004. A Great Leader of the Greatest Nation is re-elected for Four More Years.
the president does not decide anything

criteria for citizenship is spelled out in federal law

any changes must go through congress.

even if they were to create such a law of disallowing atheists it would immediately be struck down even by the current supreme court.
bb_5555 said:
even if they were to create such a law of disallowing atheists it would immediately be struck down even by the current supreme court.

As it discussed earlier, bad law always comes in sheep's clothing. In past even supreme court uphelded the law of slavery assuming slaves as "property".
pralay said:
As it discussed earlier, bad law always comes in sheep's clothing. In past even supreme court uphelded the law of slavery assuming slaves as "property".

When an atheist recite oath at natualization ceremony, if he
recite God's name, you can say he commits a fraud by lying.
if he does not recite God's name, you can nullify the ceremony
because it is not complete.

Newdow from California filed a lawsuit to remove
"under one God" from flag allegiance but he lost
Freedom of religion has been well established as something to be taken seriously.

People have the right to practice whatever religion they choose.

However I will have to admit that the right to not practice any religion at all is not clear at all. Currently the supreme court is side stepping the issue.

We pride ourselves on the freedom to express our religious beliefs freely and openly, but we are not very open to people who have no religious beliefs.

This truely flies in the face of the statue of liberty's creed to give us all the "huddled Masses yearning to breathe free"

certainly something to think about perhaps.
JoeF said:
He wasn't really deported, but was denied entry at some time.
This was in the late 40ies, during the McCarthy witchhunts. The so-called "House Un-American Activities Council", chaired by McCarthy, subpoenaed him at some point, and he refused to testify. See the biographical entries in IMDb: and other biographies, e.g.,
""With his image tarnished as a result of the negative publicity campaign, the political strategy for containing Chaplin became the reverse of what it earlier had been. Keeping Chaplin off the witness stand was now the single most effective way to further damage his reputation and to impugn his loyalties. He was, in effect, labeled a communist in a campaign of rumors and innuendoes. For as the House Un-American Activities Committee and FBI well knew (and the files of the latter indicate), he never had been a member of the Communist Party. Had he been allowed to testify under oath, he could have set the record straight. (Subpoenaed by HUAC in 1947, his hearing was postponed three times and finally canceled.)"

The McCarthy era is a big black spot on US history...
not to mention, of course, chaplin did have a few convictions relating to pedophilia (under the then applicable Mann Act) which was used by the immigration authorities to find him guilty of moral turpitude, hence inadmissable.

speaking of black spots, it seems we are not content with the same old ones. the internment of people, regardless of whether they are terrorists or not, in guantanamo bay, and even within the US, while being denied their due process rights, is a huge big stinkin' black mark. and it was the evil genius of ashcroft, who lined up all the loopholes in the law to make his own parallel system of justice, that made this possible. i cannot recall any other instance when the sitting attorney general, who is the chief law enforcement officer in the land, refused to comply with direct court orders asking the justice dept to release the names of prisoners within the US. ashcroft cited national security.

it seems that "national security" is the mantra of a new mccarthyism which is being engendered by g.w. bush and his ilk. i wouldn't be surprised if we discover that gays and lesbians and people who wish to exercise their right to choose also pose grave risks to national security.
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