Is it legal for the administation to take ideology into assessing admissibillity?


Registered Users (C)
If Bush decides atheists should not become US citizens,
can he put that crtierion into practice?

Some crtierias there are already actually
AmericanWannabe is a TROLL and seems to hate the President of United States. That explains his false and misleading post. No one is talking about throwing athiests out except AmericanWannabe.

A Great Nation chooses a Great Leader. Bush 51%. Kerry 48%.
Immg-Jck said:
AmericanWannabe is a TROLL and seems to hate the President of United States. That explains his false and misleading post. No one is talking about throwing athiests out except AmericanWannabe.

And judging by your posts and signature, you are a Bush-lover. So what's your point? The original question seems [somewhat] legitimate. We are already asked questions about political affiliations, which have underlying theological interpretations.
AmericanWannabe said:
If Bush decides atheists should not become US citizens,
can he put that crtierion into practice?

Some crtierias there are already actually

Can u put more light on "atheists"? Might be helpful to understands ur point of view.
wik said:
And judging by your posts and signature, you are a Bush-lover. So what's your point? The original question seems [somewhat] legitimate. We are already asked questions about political affiliations, which have underlying theological interpretations.

I heard a fervent Christian here said that in history one US
president once said he thought only Christians should be natualized
History also says that there was a President once who did not want morons to be naturalized. With AW being tagged as a certified moron, it only makes sense that he be de-naturalized.

A Great Nation chooses a Great Leader. Bush 51%. Kerry 48%.
JoeF said:
The president does not decide such stuff.
Congress is the government institution that creates law. Article 1, section 1 of the constitution.
Discrimination against atheists would be unconstitutional (1st amendment.)

well said, the 1st amendment takes care of us, the future citizens. Halleluja for Thomas Jefferson and framers of constitution, the bill of rights ... the best piece of literature. we need more jeffersonians and naders.
litmu said:
well said, the 1st amendment takes care of us, the future citizens. Halleluja for Thomas Jefferson and framers of constitution, the bill of rights ... the best piece of literature. we need more jeffersonians and naders.

1st amendment can be interpreted as applicable to citizens
only, not to alients who want to immigrate or to be naturalize.

I suspect the original point of 1st amendment is to
make no one school of Chrisitanity dominate the other
christian denominations.
JoeF said:
The president does not decide such stuff.
Congress is the government institution that creates law. Article 1, section 1 of the constitution.
Discrimination against atheists would be unconstitutional (1st amendment.)

It's unlikely that atheist would be discriminated that way - but if govt decides to do that (basically govt goes insane), the law will come different way. Probably the law will never spell that "atheists are not eligible" - but some other way which make most of the atheists scapegoat - hence ineligible. But I don't it is possible in today. But it's possible. There are many things in history (though not related) where govt made mistakes - slavery, japanese concentration camp and so on.
Immg-Jck said:
AmericanWannabe is a TROLL and seems to hate the President of United States. That explains his false and misleading post. No one is talking about throwing athiests out except AmericanWannabe.

Give me five reasons why he would not do that. In case you cannot count upto number five, here just fill up these bullet marks :D :D :D :
  • Reason 1:
  • Reason 2:
  • Reason 3:
  • Reason 4:
  • Reason 5:
JoeF said:
An episode from that time I read about: a group of students presented an exerpt from the declaration of independence to people on the street to sign, and the people got all upset and accused the students of spreading communist propaganda....

Even there were accusation that Martin Luther King Jr had communist connection and he wanted to breakdown American Govt using his black followers.
At that time (before 1924), was there such a concept
of distinction as permanent aliens, nonimmmigrant
aliens , and illegal aliens? Maybe there was were
just aliens. In "Titanic", you did not see foreigners
need a visa to come to USA. They only needed
a boat ticket.
It is important to take idealogy into account when allowing admission. If you declare that you are a Communist, you can betcha sweet ass that you will not allowed into the US.

A Great Nation chooses a Great Leader. Bush 51%. Kerry 48%.
Joef. Do you have something useful to post? Your last 5 posts are all about aggression on other members on this forum. In case you did not notice, this is immigration forum. Want that translated into a language you understand? :) :)

A Great Nation chooses a Great Leader. Bush 51%. Kerry 48%.

The needle in your old vinyl record stuck on the same track today? Move along.

Life is Great, Bush is back.
Immg-Jak said:
It is important to take idealogy into account when allowing admission. If you declare that you are a Communist, you can betcha sweet ass that you will not allowed into the US.

Friendly advise. Don't manifest your stupid thought. More you post, more you prove that you are a pure dumbhead. Learn from your own "leader" - who hardly give any interview to avoid revealing his dumbness. Remember that 9/11 commission deposition when he went with his "daddy" Dick. You should find a similar "daddy" too, before posting your messages.
pralay said:
Friendly advise.

What happened pralay? Depressed because of the whooping your party took on November 2nd? Maybe the Democrats should have defined a clear message, selected an effective candidate and sidelined liars like Dan Rather and Michael Moore. But now you need to wait until 2008, when we will see another leader as great as W.... choose between McCain, Guliani and Jebby. :)

November 2nd 2004. A Great Leader of the Greatest Nation is re-elected for Four More Years.
Immg-Jak said:
What happened pralay? Depressed because of the whooping your party took on November 2nd? Maybe the Democrats should have defined a clear message, selected an effective candidate and sidelined liars like Dan Rather and Michael Moore. But now you need to wait until 2008, when we will see another leader as great as W.... choose between McCain, Guliani and Jebby. :)

I am neither Democrat nor depressed. Therefore, I hardly care whether Democracts should define clear message or not. I consider politicians as my "workers" (better word "public servents") who get their salary and perks from my tax dollars. Unlike you, I don't follow blindly or get brainwashed by politicians. If you worship your "leader" blindly (which you do definitely), that's your choice.
I am neither a fan of Michael Moore and Dan Rathers nor a fanatic, bigot, dumb, brainwashed like you.

BTW, McCain is a true conservative and good politician - unlike your phony conservative "leader". So, next time in 2008, have something in your head and avoid choosing a goofy conservative leader (althought I doubt you will be able to vote in 2008 primary, considering the fact you are just another "phony citizen" :eek: ).

Lastly, as most of your brain-cells are dead, support for stem-cell research. That can help you grow some of your brain-cells before 2008 primary. :D :D
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