Is it essential to change SS card after PP Staming?

Just for info' from SSA

I have sent an email question about change of card to SSA.
My question to them was-If a person with SS card 'With INS work authorization' endorsement is adjusted to PR,does he has to apply for replacement card at all.?(Not exactly I remeber this,but in essence the question was this).
Their reply,unfortunately was not fully touching the issue,but posting here just for info'.
'Thank you for your inquiry.

If the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Bureau of Citizenship
and Immigration Services has granted you permission to work, you need to
apply for a replacement card without the legend ""Not Valid For Employment.""
Your replacement card will have the same number as your current card.

To apply for a replacement card, you need to complete Form SS-5,
available for download at the following Internet address:..'.
Participant said:
I have sent an email question about change of card to SSA.
My question to them was-If a person with SS card 'With INS work authorization' endorsement is adjusted to PR,does he has to apply for replacement card at all.?(Not exactly I remeber this,but in essence the question was this).
Their reply,unfortunately was not fully touching the issue,but posting here just for info'.
'Thank you for your inquiry.

If the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Bureau of Citizenship
and Immigration Services has granted you permission to work, you need to
apply for a replacement card without the legend ""Not Valid For Employment.""
Your replacement card will have the same number as your current card.

To apply for a replacement card, you need to complete Form SS-5,
available for download at the following Internet address:..'.

You can also ask if one still need to get a new SSN card when
chaging from PR to a citizen
Participant and all,

I hope you agree that their answer is pretty self-explenatory. You need to change it and you do need to be at the SSA offices in person to be identified. I provided my PP, and my driver license for that purpose, and 1 week later got a new card with no comments on it.

Why to discuss such a non-issue. If anybody wants to change SSN , then change it, if they don't feel to change it, then don't change it. Why bother so much?? Life is already complicated , don't make it more hard....
AmericanWannabe said:
Not many issues still remain after you get the GC. So a non-issue
is now an issue.

As you don't have any issues left after GC, So you are making this non-issue as issue...RIGHT. Make life easy not hard.. Will you?
Ok. You don't HAVE TO get a replacement card or update your records. However, here's the deal:

Permanent residents are eligible for more benefits than other aliens. Citizens are eligible for more benefits than permanent residents.

A Social Security card with a legend can cause trouble because it indicates that you are a temporary alien and some people may give you a hard time about it. In combination with your green card that shouldn't be an issue, but some people may make it an issue due to ignorance. Also, do you want to have to show your green card any time something's in doubt?

Furthermore, if you change your status with the SSA now, and apply for benefits in 20 years, nobody will think about it. If you figure out "Shoot, I need to apply for benefits but my SSA record says I'm in another status!" and you change your status a couple of weeks before filing a claim, you will make SSA staff suspicious and probably cause investigation and initation of fraud development. And seeing how things are going since 9/11 already, I think it'll be much worse in the future.

Online SSN verification is already in effect in many places, like at many DMVs. For now they just verify name and some other data, but if in the future they start verifying legal status with the SSA as well as the USCIS (and they probably will the way things are going), that will trigger a warning flag and might cause your license to be revoked or non-renewed, or something equally nasty.

So here's the final sum: whenever you "upgrade" your legal status, whether to LPR or to citizen, go update your Social Security record. Do you have any reason not to, other than laziness? Just get off your butt! :)

qwertyisback said:
As you don't have any issues left after GC, So you are making this non-issue as issue...RIGHT. Make life easy not hard.. Will you?
Karlshammar said:
Permanent residents are eligible for more benefits than other aliens. Citizens are eligible for more benefits than permanent residents.

Many say benefits depend on your earned credits only and have nothing to do with status.

Many SSI is for citizen only
Purely earned retirement benefits, maybe. But there's a whole slew of benefits, many more than just retirement and SSI. Many of them have citizenship or LPR requirements.

AmericanWannabe said:
Many say benefits depend on your earned credits only and have nothing to do with status.

Many SSI is for citizen only
Karlshammar said:
Purely earned retirement benefits, maybe. But there's a whole slew of benefits, many more than just retirement and SSI. Many of them have citizenship or LPR requirements.

Which are those other slew of benefits from SS??

I know one ,"disability benefit". Does only LPR/citizen can avail this??
qwertyisback said:
Which are those other slew of benefits from SS??

I know one ,"disability benefit". Does only LPR/citizen can avail this??

Retirements, survivals, disability should all depend upon
credits you mades.

But I do believe only citizens are eligible for
supplemental income. PR are perhaps too
but run the risk of failing public charge
Hi Friends,
Can you please let me know, what are the documents to be taken to SSN office to get your new SSN card after passport stamping.
1. For me H1 to PR.
2. For my wife H4 to PR.

Thanks in Advance.
Con_File_Feb said:
Hi Friends,
Can you please let me know, what are the documents to be taken to SSN office to get your new SSN card after passport stamping.
1. For me H1 to PR.
2. For my wife H4 to PR.

Thanks in Advance.

I think your green card is enough (both as ID and your immigration status proof)

But there is no hurt to also bring

Your driver license and yoru old SSN card plus your passport

Bring SS-5 form too or get one when you arrive
For the record, it doesn't matter which status you adjusted from. Only your current status matters.

Bring your passports with the stamps in them to the SSA office. The SSA wants proof of citizenship/alien status, birth data and identity. The stamps are proof of alien status and your pictures and data in the passports should prove your birth data and identities.

Con_File_Feb said:
Hi Friends,
Can you please let me know, what are the documents to be taken to SSN office to get your new SSN card after passport stamping.
1. For me H1 to PR.
2. For my wife H4 to PR.

Thanks in Advance.