Is Green Card worth (Freedom!! , as we think) anymore?


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Please see the following article from The Economic Times. Its all talking about Outsourcing of IT jobs and people going back to india.

Is US Green card worth anymore as everybody predicting by 2005, the estimates, 600,000 U.S. jobs -- whether IT, back office , customer service or sales -- will move to countries such as China, India, the Philippines and Russia.

By 2015, the number expected will climb to 3.3 million

Personal opinions were welcome for discussion
Originally posted by kvpt_mm
By 2015, the number expected will climb to 3.3 million

Past performance is no indicator of future results. Four years ago everyone was worried that all moderately skilled IT folks would leave their home countries and move to the US.

If your job consists of receiving a spec and implementing it in code, you can and will be offshored. The key is always to work your way up the value chain. Communication skills, architecture, spec writing, pattern recognition - that sort of thing.
That would be ideal though. Imagine a job where you lived in India, but earned in dollars. Even if your pay was reduced to half of what it is here, you would still save more. Plus, in India, you could be with family and friends, and have 'naukars' to wash your clothes, press them, cook your food, clean the dishes, etc.
that would be cool, indeed...!!

Yes it is worth...

Green card is worth. I don't know about IT profession. I am a licensed pharmacist in USA now. But currently I am working a pharmaceutical manufacturing company as a chemist with much lesser pay then a pharmacist pay.

Once I have the green card I will quit the job and start working as a pharmacist in USA. In my situation, a better future is waiting for me.
GreenCard is sure worth it (citizenship is even good !)

Think about it guys , you can always go to india and work/ do business or whatever but without GC if you ever think of coming agin to US you have to go thro the same old stinking h1b path ...Even thinking about it makes me sick :)

Think beyond a job - think BIG -- USA is the land of oppurtunity and you can really really strike it rich if you become an entrepreneur here.

When you are in this long wait for GC think about some business plans , do the prep work and give it a shot after you get the GC - you may or maynot make it but in either case its worth an expirence !
I dont think it is based on how skilled are you OR how much important you are to the company/project you are working on, the cost it is which decides our fates in here.

The whole world circles around the money and where ever there is low cost and have the same work done (quality 'n' content) , Companies will move their operations to gain their profits paying low costs for the services

As long as employers find equally/more skilled labor available in india or other low cost developing countries our jobs here are at stake with out a doubt.

We have potential candidates available in india who are very equally skilled as most of us here (both moderately skilled and highly skilled IT workers) (atleast 60-70%) who easily can take our job (but at low price).

The way i see is, this Out Sourcing saga will definitely impact IT field and we soon need to be prepared to face the fact .

If your job is moved to other countries, you have no option other than going back regardless you are a H1B holder or GC holder unless you want to start a new business or see your career in different field where you will not see much impact. I doubt how many would like to start a Franchize or other kind of business leaving something you are comfortable at ?

Also, Please see the following link about another example of out sourcing from major US Employer in IT field ;

I'm not being pessimistic here OR to discourage ;

just providing my thoughts and wanna share my opinion and see how our friends respond
Hi kvpt_mm

You are a typical man as they say in India. (8-5 Govt Job),
a wife, have kids and live your life on pension.

Why should you always stick on to computer field, once you have your GC you can expolre other possibilities.

Same thing happened for MBA five years back.

What is the guarantee that US cos will not leave India and go go some other cheap country. Then do you run to that country also.

Wake up man. Live with reality.

Don't crib like in India.
Ohh shut the fuck up MSSJAN03

don't try to say your words like these to any country.
otherwise people will blast you with emails.
Guys like you who were born in india and curse them.Look here did you saw any body cursing country.
Be patriotic to your mother country.
I have many friends who came with me 7-8 years back and told me that they will be going back after 2-3 years of stay in US but never went back.

Below is the typical life cycle of an individual who comes to USA.

1. As soon as he comes over here, he enjoys for few months and starts complaining that he does not like USA and he wants to go back since his aged parents are in India.

2. When the firm he came informs him that he has to go back to India since his project is over he never goes back , he rejoins another firm and tries to be here. When asked why he did not leave , he informs that he wants to get married and bring his his wife to USA spend some time here and then he will leave.

3. After 1 year of getting married he does not leave, he informs that he would like to have children here itself so that they become citizens and then he would leave.

4. Even after having kid here ,he never leaves US but tells for safe side he will aplly for GC and leave as soon as he gets GC and applies for GC and starts crying that GC process is very slow.

5. By the time he gets GC it will be 5-6 years after he landing over here.

6. He does not leave USA but informs he received GC just now and would like to stay for 2-3 years and enjoy the benefits of GC.

7. Since he has GC he also buys a house and informs that he will sell the house when he goes back.

8. After 2-3 years of obtaining GC does not go back but informs if he stays for another 2-3 years more he will get citizenship and informs that he will go back as soon as he gets citizneship.

9. But, After getting citizenship he does not go back due to gives various reasons like children are already big and they do not want to to go to India or he has lot of commitments here or since he has job here he does not want to search a job again in India or India is corrupt and he is used to a life without any problems like power cut etc.

I had a bet with most of my friends who told me that they will be going back and I won it since whoever informed they will be leaving are still here.

If you know jobs are in India why did you apply for GC and cry sitting here that the process has become slow.

Go back to India and enjoy there. Can you give me a reason why you are not going if you are so worried here
I am more patriotic than you. I am going to back to India and work there. Do you have the guts to go back. I am not working in a small desi firm like you.

You are shit scared if you go back that you will loose your jobs whereas I have a very good job and am going back.
Hey, no offense to you, but I think you are exaggerating here.
I have never heard nor seen anyone like this. First couple of points may be right but the rest of em are just difficult to digest.
Why would anyone go back after getting the citizenship??:confused: :confused: :confused:
If the above was not true then none of us would be in this forum.

My friend informed since he has a citizenship he can apply for PIO card and live a retired life with the money he has earned here.
I agree with what " mssjan03" is saying.. But why do you bet on their lives and why are you so frustrated that they are not going back..

If you think you can go back- then go back may be they will take their own time..

- Srini
I did not bet on their lives. Since they are my close friends we had little fun of betting that is it. It was not a serious one.
>> You are a typical man as they say in India. (8-5 Govt Job),
a wife, have kids and live your life on pension.

Thats true for most indian guys especially southies :)

All our desi guys are smart, have the will to work hard but most have a narrow mindset and are scared to death to start a business even tech related one... Guys with a 75k job we are not going to go anywhere. (will take 10 years atleast to earn a 300k which will be nothing in india after 10 years !)

This is a country build on risk taking and will reward rich those risk takers . This you cannot say about india.

I want to get greencard and then citizenship because i want to enjoy the best of both worlds.Period
Contrary to what CoolDesiDude says, i believe it takes more wits and guts to survive in India than it does here. Anyone can start a business (convenience store, truck driver, used car dealer, etc) and make money. Does not require risk taking at all. On the contrary, having come from a family of businessmen, i saw the pains my dad and grandfather had to go through to run successful businesses in India (dealing with unskilled labor, bribing everyone from the local telephone man to judges, etc)
However, i do agree with him that the quality of life here is a lot better. you do not have to worry about the power going out every few days, or the phone being out a day every month, or not receiving important letters because they got lost in the mail. Thats what makes it worth living in this country.
Therefore, each of the two lives has their own benefits and problems. Pick which ones are most important to you and choose accordingly.
This is just my humble opinion.
goober71 , i accept in india its difficult to run a business but what i meant was the chances of striking it big in a honest way in india is limited , you need to have political connections , gunda support etc etc

But here with little luck anyone can become big - look into the dotcom boom era desi guys like sabeer bhatiya or Ram Sriram

And when i meant business forget about the typical desi small businesses like a convenience store .thats not the place for smart ones ! . Also dont get into Quickstar/Amway MLM crap :)

Think about Software , Consulting ,Internet, Export/Import or Realestate etc etc

For example i am in EAD and run an internet business which made me more than $400k last year in pure profits. This is for a work of 8-10 hours/week in the evenings/weekend :)
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