Is GC really gonna change our lives ?

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Well atleast you dont have to visit this site daily.

It\'s not that it\'s going to change the life, it\'s the freedom of what you want to do without stings ( H1) attached,

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INS Nightmare? Are you laid off? You\'re right doesn\'t make a difference. 3.5 months no job yet with good skills and top recommendation
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It will free our clutches from working for Desi pimp recruiters in the consulting companies.
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One thing it definatly helps you as you do not need to change H1B each time when you are fired from the company and can jump companies as many time as you can.You can go ahead and buy house as you can get some job to pay the mortgage.
If your wife is on H4, she can work, visit your home country freely with out any hassle.

what else you want? you are really going to be free.

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IMHO, it is NOT a stupid question.

If you want to work as a programmer for the rest of your life, then GC doesn\'t make a single bit difference.

Already got your GC...
Already become a US citizen...SO what?

You still have to work day and night like a dog for Americans...

One thing you can do though, vote for Bush in 4 years...

Hah Hah...
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Whoa! So much hatred. Calm down, dude. Breath in. Breath out. Sorry for my BSing but here is more BS..

In simple words as somebody has said it is the ticket to "Trishanku Swarg". The problem is there is frustration now (before GC) and there will be frustation after GC. We have cultivated frustation and the lack of which will drive us toward some thing different to worry about, maybe citizenship or may be other career related issues or maybe end up having Alzheimer\'s disease. It really depends on us to take it easy and have fun in life, here or elsewhere.
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Madhuri you got married with Dr Nene why do you need GC. You saved a lot of wait by catching a US citizen. Nice trick. BTW what are you doing now-a-days after Gajagamini. Are you on bench?