Is Bajis Approved yet


Registered Users (C)
Is Bajis approved or not yet.
His RFE was issued long back and have not been following it up?
Hi may01 - Nope not yet!

My moronic lawyer took a long time to "prepare" the employment letter. The HR guy also took his own sweet time to sign it. I finally got a reply from my lawyer yesterday that it has been sent (not sure when though!). Grr ...

I think we both are in the same clutches, My useless lawyer took 3 weeks to prepare employment letter (most of them copy & paste of previously prepared letter) and HR took its own re-validation time. Hopefully they may respond today or Monday. If not don't know what to do, I 'm really tired up with the follow ups.

- Why-R
Hi Why-R2 - The another irritating part is, not all cases change to "RFE Recv" (from the current "RFE Sent") even though TSC gets the RFE response. Many cases have been "Approved" straight from "RFE Sent". So I'll have no clue what's happening.

I'm just banking that it would become "Approved" straight!! :rolleyes:
bajis and why-r2

hang in there. it is like running a marathon, just when your lungs are burning and the world is swimming and you feel dizzy, is when you need to focus the most. IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN,JUST BE READY FOR IT.