Is AVM down?


Registered Users (C)
I called last night after 11pm for about 30 times,
it is either busy or ring for 2 or three time, then silence,
no message can be heared. Anyone have same experience?
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No, Its working but there is some problem with the AVM system. It\'s very slow!!!!!!!!

After the Ring it will go in silence mode……….then after few sec…reply…..then press 1….again silence…….then press 1 ……..again silence….then press 322xxxxxx…….

But it works. This is happening for last one week.
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The delay between messages is high. You may need to wait for 30-40 seconds before hanging. I had experienced this last couple of days.
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It was working. However it worked very slow. You need to be patient. I checked my husband status last night after 12 PM. His case has also been approved on 5/10/01. Try to call several times constantly.
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In a way, it works...please hang on *AFTER* you hear the ringing stop, and the silence will be a few seconds before the
AVM responds with the usual \'Hello!...

And don\'t enter the numbers too fast...just enter it only after the AVM asks you to do so...

Guess they are having some system problems...

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Hi it works but very slow
Due to heavy traffic it takes lot of attempts to get the ring. But once you get the ring you have to wait (some times even a minute) to get the message "Hello you have".
I think once you get the ring you got to wait fomr the AVM to respond and hang on there for a while and you will get your message.
bye and good luck