Is AC21 safer than leaving company just after GC Approval

Leaving GC sponsor

It could also be useful if there is information of someone who got the citizenship after leaving the GC sponsor within 3 or 6 months. I think this is more easier than the other way around.

By the way, is GC valid for only 5 years and then you have to apply for citizenship? Or can you continue on GC itself if you dont care for citizenship?

GCred said:
It could also be useful if there is information of someone who got the citizenship after leaving the GC sponsor within 3 or 6 months. I think this is more easier than the other way around.

Another way to put "did anyone in this forum left company the day after EB GC approval and got citizenship without any question/trouble?"

GCred said:
By the way, is GC valid for only 5 years and then you have to apply for citizenship? Or can you continue on GC itself if you dont care for citizenship?

Yes, you can continue with GC as long you can. I know one west European person who never bothered to get US citizenship - living in his GC last 40+ years. Also, some Indians don't prefer to give up their Indian citizenship for various reasons - hence they keep living in GC status.
dsatish said:
I wouldn't care for the cautious trash thrown by some lawyers. I myself changed job 3 months after getting my GC.

Depends on each person's mental solace. I myself changed job before one year, and I consider 6+ should be OK. A person who changed job after one month of approval considers it's OK to change job after one month - because that gives a mental peace for him. So, it's apparent that the whole concept "safe timeframe" is different for each individual and it's totally based on his/her own situation. In similar fashion, all the lawyers also have their own concept of "safe timeframe" and that's what they preach. Fair enough?

After AC21 -my lawer says -there shouldn't be a problem to change a job even before I-485 approval. And she says, once you have an approval there is no question of revoking of green card or problem in getting citizenship. She refuse to discussed it further saying that if USCIS gives trouble during citizenship then we are up to making money by suing USCIS!!!!!
She was sounding pretty sure about chaning jobs!!!! The reason for her confidance is AC21.
I-140: RD-July 15,2002
I-140:AD-June 28,2004
I-485:RD(online)ecember 11 2002
I-485:RD(action notice):November 15 2002
I-485:ND(action notice)ecember 11 2002
IstFP-Feb 5 2003(LUD-Feb12 2003)
2ndFP-Sep 9 2003 (No LUD)
I485:AD-October 26 2004
PP stamping: Nov.09-2004
Rajan123 said:
After AC21 -my lawer says -there shouldn't be a problem to change a job even before I-485 approval. And she says, once you have an approval there is no question of revoking of green card or problem in getting citizenship. She refuse to discussed it further saying that if USCIS gives trouble during citizenship then we are up to making money by suing USCIS!!!!!
She was sounding pretty sure about chaning jobs!!!! The reason for her confidance is AC21.

AC21 applies before approval (basically changing the sponsoring company). And that's why the new AC21 job has to be "similar job". But it does not address the issue of changing job after getting GC.
This rule may be applicable if you are full time employee of Direct Client, leave the job and you try to switch to a different new company.
After getting GC,
How come this rule will be applicable if I work as Temp employee for a Consulting firm on a hourly basis?
The contract cleary says 'I will be as Temporary employee for that Consulting firm till this date'. After my project is over,I am not with that company any more and that Consulting firm doesnt guarantee me a job after the end of the contract'
In that case,I have to go thru other Consulting firm and work for them as Temp employee until my next project is over.
So if I am changing jobs now using AC 21 and after GC approval,if I work as Temp employee for a consulting firm, how come this rule will be applicable?