is A num and Alien Registration num the same?

Dear all:
   I am trying to file my I-485 by myself and i need your help in answering couple of questions.
 1. previously, i was given optional practical training EAD card with A number on it. Form G325 A (biographic info) requires alien registration number. can I use my previous A# in place of alien registration #.

2. I also need to provide a non immigration visa number. But when I looked at my visa stamp, there are two types of #s. one with red colored and little short, the other one with black colored (says control number). which one is non imm. visa number.

I would greatly appreciate any help. thanks in advance.

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Dear all:
   I am trying to file my I-485 by myself and i need your help in answering couple of questions.
 1. previously, i was given optional practical training EAD card with A number on it. Form G325 A (biographic info) requires alien registration number. can I use my previous A# in place of alien registration #.

2. I also need to provide a non immigration visa number. But when I looked at my visa stamp, there are two types of #s. one with red colored and little short, the other one with black colored (says control number). which one is non imm. visa number.

I would greatly appreciate any help. thanks in advance.
