Is 551 stamping sufficient for traveling to Germany?


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Or do I need the actual card?
This is the side effect of getting approved, company needs to send a engineer to germany, and I just became eligible..
The stamp will allow you to re-enter the US no problem...but the stamp is generally not recognized by other countries as official Resident status - only the card does that.

If Germany does allow official residents to enter w/o a visa, then you would need a visa since you don't have the card as yet

Ask around bro...I am not a lawyer.

Have a safe flt.
digdugxy said:
Or do I need the actual card?
This is the side effect of getting approved, company needs to send a engineer to germany, and I just became eligible..

If you are going to one of the Schengen countries for business trip and you are not an US citizen, you need Schengen visa anyway. So it does not matter whether you have green card or not.
Switzerland allows card holders to enter without visa. Most other countries in Europe requires visa.

rockstone said:
A permanent resident of US can enter France or Germany w/o a visa? Anyone confirm? thx

15 Schengen countries are: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.
With a Schengen visa, you may enter one country and travel freely throughout the Schengen zone. Internal border controls have disappeared; there are no or few stops and checks. This means that internal air, road and train travel are handled as domestic trips, similar to travel from one US state to another.
rockstone said:
A permanent resident of US can enter France or Germany w/o a visa? Anyone confirm? thx

Green card holders don't need any transit visa in Schengen countries. However they need visa for business or tourism.
Thanks for all the info.
My manager confirmed with our travel department. Green card holder DO need a visa from Germany.
with a green card (stamp or card), the process of obtaining the visitor visa will become a lot faster though. ask your company to use Zeirer or similar visa service and they can usually get a Schengen visa (processed at German embassy) in less than a week.
You don't even need a visa service, with the introduction of Schengen visa's, it takes less than a couple of hours to get visa's specially if you go sometime during the week. I had been to the French consulate and I walked out inside 30 mins with a visa in my passport.