irrelevant question but Important: How is Job market really doing


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How is job market doing? Is it really worth trying for new jobs or is it better to keep your ass glued till the election? How many of you are really recommend job switching in this moment and would you prefer permanent positions or consulting position. please respond, your views are valued.

I dont think election or even green card should really be a factor in making a decision to change jobs (provided you are past 6 months of I-485, which is unfortunately the case for most of us on this forum).

Your personal situation is what counts - prospects in present job, are there better opportunities available, do you want to relocate with family to cheaper place (important for people in expensive places like Bay Area), does it help or hurt your resume to move jobs etc etc....
This is my feeling. In the last 2 months or so the market is not that good. All though it was fine in the begining of the year. Being a contractor myself, I was able to switch jobs for higher rate 4 months ago and now that I dont see any growth in my current project I want to get a new contract. Things are getting little difficlult right now. I had a interview for FT job last month and still haven't heard from them. To me it sounds like the election season got to do something with this slugishness. This is the scene in NJ/NY areas.
Now a days, getting a Full time job in a big company is really tough in NJ/NY area. I am not sure about other areas and also in smaller companies in ny/nj. As for contracting, i guess that the market is good and you should find a better job if you are not satisfied with your current job. There are not many people on the bench and that should make your task easier in finding a contract job.
>> Now a days, getting a Full time job in a big company is really tough in NJ/NY area

I have a friend who got 3 fulltime job offers in 2 weeks , all in NJ . He choosed one and relocated to NJ ...

I guess companies are not hiring even though the economy is coming back is because they are not certain about the longterm prospects ...Once the election is over i believe things will be clear about the direction of the economy and companies may start new projects and hiring will start
CoolDesiDude said:
I have a friend who got 3 fulltime job offers in 2 weeks , all in NJ . He choosed one and relocated to NJ ...

I guess companies are not hiring even though the economy is coming back is because they are not certain about the longterm prospects ...Once the election is over i believe things will be clear about the direction of the economy and companies may start new projects and hiring will start

That's probably exception. Also qualification and requirement matter. Even in worst job market you will find some people are getting 3-4 job offers.
On the other hand, while defining the hi-tech job market I guess everybody talks with comparison to the job market in late 90s - when a company used to hire 10-20 new people to start a new project or to finish a current project faster. I don't think that's going to happen ever - because companies are not crazy to grow fast anymore. Noawadays even if they try to get their job done - they do by using contactors - just to avoid any long term commitment or providing any benefits. There is will be always sporadic recruitments to fill-up current vacant positions or add members in existing projects. Basically hi-tech job market will be just like any non-hi-tech job market that we observed in last twentry years. New project? Need 50 engineers to finish a project? What about outsourcing?