Invitation to review an article


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I have a simple question. For EB1-EA, “serving judge of others” criterion, does an invitation letter from your mentor to review an article count if the mentor is an associate editor of that Journal? Does the invitation must have to come from an editor who doesn’t know you personally?

Thanks in advance.
It wont be counted since its from your advisor (even though he is an assosciate editor) and examiner will definitely discount this invitation. It happened before. So try to get invitations from other journals or from different editor for the same journal (still its less persuasive).
It wont be counted since its from your advisor (even though he is an assosciate editor) and examiner will definitely discount this invitation. It happened before. So try to get invitations from other journals or from different editor for the same journal (still its less persuasive).

Thanks a lot for the reply. About getting invitations, how do I approach the editors to get one? Its very unlikely that an editor would be convinced that a postdoc could produce a quality peer review of a manuscript. What is the best way to tackle this problem?

Yes I faced the same quandary. I am working as a senior scientist (+2 yrs exp after Ph.D.) I approached many journals (sending e-mails with your CV attached) and requested them that I wish to serve as a reviewer. Most of them replied and added me in their reviewer database. It took a while to get invitations but I have reviewed for 8 journals about ~20 articles withing a period of 15 months. Again it might depend on the field you were involved.
Good luck.
eb2ph is right. As far as I know (I personally heard from journal editors), many journals are having hard time at finding reviewers or getting evaluations back on time as many professors don't want to do the job. Many professors (especially those well established ones) get nothing from reviewing papers, they complain it's a waste of their time.
So, go ahead and try to sale yourself. There should be no harm. Allow some time for the journals to response. If you get anything, that's extra!
Same here. I contacted an editor of a journal (IF=4) requesting to be added to the reviewer database but he replied saying that one needs at least 10 years of research experience along with two references of established authorities to be accepted as a reviewer. My first break came when some author recommended me as a reviewer and things took off from there.

I have a feeling that if you do a good job reviewing for one journal, word gets around and you get more invitations. Sure, reviewing is hard and takes up lots of time but it has its own rewards. I have never read so many papers (remember you gotta read the references to know what they are talking about) in my life before.

Here is what I would recommend to anyone who wants to review for a Journal:

1. Write to the editor expressing your desire to be added as a reviewer. Once you are in the database and you choose the subject areas you want to review, you automatically start getting reviews.

2. Understand that reviewing is tough. It takes up time and resources. Also, just like any other endeavor in life, you can only continue reviewing as long as you do a good job. Editors tend to drop reviewers if they feel they are not getting good reviews. So, be prepared before you start approaching the editors.

3. Request your friends that are already established to forward the 'request to review'(s) that they are getting. You advisor is a good person to start with. Once you've moved on from the university you graduated from, consider your advisor as an ex-colleague who likes to look after you. This is one other way towards getting that first request to review.

4. Make a point to talk to editors/associate editors during meetings or conferences. Pass them your card (sometimes your resume, even) and follow up with an e-mail requesting them to consider you as a manuscript referee.
Wow guys, thanks a lot for all the amazing replies, particularly GC-Hopes for the detailed tips. I will start implementing them right from now. thanks again.