Investigators on my trail


Registered Users (C)
I'm posting here to get you guys' opinions on my matter.

I got married to a USC and filed my I-130/I-485. I-130 got approved few months after our interview but i-485 was a waiting game. Eventually, it got approved after I had been married 2 years. So I got my LPR (10yrs -unconditional)

I am still legally married to my wife although we have been separated for a while due to constant tensions that we have (but we still love ourselves as we try to have each other's back regardless of the fights we have)

The problem is that we did not live together through the entire 2yrs that I waited for the approval of my GC. We got separated like 15-16months into the marriage.

I have a child out of wedlock (I strayed while my wife and myself were having problems, and messed with a crazy woman). ANd the crazy woman tried to alienate me from my child. The crazy woman (CW, henceforth) found out about my wife and has harrassed, as that isn't enough, she alerted the immigration that my marriage is fraudulent, so there is an investigation underway. Her intent is to get me deported just so she can haev sole custody of my child.

My wife called me to let me know 2 investigators came over to her house (we are separated at the moment) to ask her questions. She told me what they asked her and her responses. She told them the plain truth. Yes, we got married, and yes, it didn't work like we envisioned it. We (wife and I) have tried to make things work, but when money is a tough issue in a household, I guess you all know how that goes. I'm a poor student.

My question now is that, to what extent should I expect this investigation? I'm not scared because I married that lady for real, and even through the whole problems she has been true to me. I just wished it was the fairytale marriage we dreamed.

I'm trying to be strong, but it's taking a toll on me, as I still have to go to school, work, maintain contact with my lil child, try to maintain healthy ties with my wife and deal with the vindictive actions of this CW.

Any advice or insight will be appreciated.

well...dude... u have balls of fire coming your way. Seperate from wife for 2 years and still expecting USCIS to accept that you love her? In their eyes, fraud with $ signs is more like it. You might want to stop being a poor student and invest in a lawyer once their fangs enter your "buttockish"!
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Get advice from a lawyer.

I'm posting here to get you guys' opinions on my matter.

I got married to a USC and filed my I-130/I-485. I-130 got approved few months after our interview but i-485 was a waiting game. Eventually, it got approved after I had been married 2 years. So I got my LPR (10yrs -unconditional)

I am still legally married to my wife although we have been separated for a while due to constant tensions that we have (but we still love ourselves as we try to have each other's back regardless of the fights we have)

The problem is that we did not live together through the entire 2yrs that I waited for the approval of my GC. We got separated like 15-16months into the marriage.

I have a child out of wedlock (I strayed while my wife and myself were having problems, and messed with a crazy woman). ANd the crazy woman tried to alienate me from my child. The crazy woman (CW, henceforth) found out about my wife and has harrassed, as that isn't enough, she alerted the immigration that my marriage is fraudulent, so there is an investigation underway. Her intent is to get me deported just so she can haev sole custody of my child.

My wife called me to let me know 2 investigators came over to her house (we are separated at the moment) to ask her questions. She told me what they asked her and her responses. She told them the plain truth. Yes, we got married, and yes, it didn't work like we envisioned it. We (wife and I) have tried to make things work, but when money is a tough issue in a household, I guess you all know how that goes. I'm a poor student.

My question now is that, to what extent should I expect this investigation? I'm not scared because I married that lady for real, and even through the whole problems she has been true to me. I just wished it was the fairytale marriage we dreamed.

I'm trying to be strong, but it's taking a toll on me, as I still have to go to school, work, maintain contact with my lil child, try to maintain healthy ties with my wife and deal with the vindictive actions of this CW.

Any advice or insight will be appreciated.

@ Al Southner, I have not been separated for 2 yrs..just a little over a year now.
We did not flat out get a divorce because we still have intentions of giving the marriage a try.