Interviews in San Jose, CA


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Hi all,

I've read about a few interview experiences in San Jose DO - they were all good. What I'm interested in is whether there were any bad interviews, were the officers nice or not, and how long it generally takes from ND to the interview date.

Thank you! :)
all my friends in the SJ area have had good results so far. Although with immigration officers you never know (some are worse than woman with menopause).

just be positive, and make sure you and your wife review everything that was submitted, just in case they ask about it. ( wife was asked about my siblings names...she got nervous and forgot :))
machelon said:
all my friends in the SJ area have had good results so far. Although with immigration officers you never know (some are worse than woman with menopause).

just be positive, and make sure you and your wife review everything that was submitted, just in case they ask about it. ( wife was asked about my siblings names...she got nervous and forgot :))
Thanks, Machelon! It's good to know that none of your friends had a bad experience in San Jose.

And me and my husband will certainly review all that we wrote on the forms, so we won't screw up. He has a hard time remembering my parents' names :) He will have to memorize that :)
