Interviews at Local INS- Post experience.

485 Detroit

Registered Users (C)
My case was transfered to local INS (Detroit) and was
 interviewed on June 7. But I was not approved at that
 time! I was told I will be notified about by approval
 by mail.
 Did any one else have similar experience ???
 Please post.

 My info:
 R.D. 03/01
 N.D.: 03/01
 F.P.: 12/01
 Transfer: 02/02
 Interview Notice: 04/02
 Interview: 06/02 -- in Detroit local INS.
 Approval: WAITING!!!!
Why was it not approved?

Was something missing or could not be provided for in the interview e.g. paystubs etc.
Please post details of interview
No reason what so ever!

I had all the papers required and the interview was nothing.
He asked me and my wife a set of standard questions and
then said that I shall get my "Approval letter in mail in
couple of weeks barring" some sort of security check.
The IIO was pretty cool. Interview was cool. He asked for
my employement verification letter and took our finger prints
and that was it.

I was wondering if anyone else had an experience like this ?