Interviewed Twice for I-130?


New Member
I had lost out on an approved I-I30/485 due to change of address and abandonment. The Freedom of Information filling show that my INS file contained a letter of congratulations and a RTS envelope when that letter was undelivered due to change of address. The first marriage ended after three yrs in divorce. I was engaged to be married again 18 months later when I was put into removal proceedings. The engagement party had dated pictures and my intended wife showing off her ring 6 months before I was put into removal proceedings for overstaying. We went ahead to get married as planned , notwithstanding having just been put into proceedings. My wife had filed an I-130 for me and we we interviewed after two yrs recently.
The bonafides of the first marriage are contained in the INS file and the interview with my wife went well and were told to expect a decision.

Three months later, the attorney said her inquiry suggest USCIS may be inviting us for a second interview sometimes.

Is this usual? What could be the possible reason for the interview?
Anyone ever been thru this road before?