Interviewed & Approved


Registered Users (C)
This morning we were interviewed and approved. No problems. Just asked personal questions, address info, birth date, birth place and other standard questions like:- always on h1/h4? Any crimes? etc

She took our signatures and FP on the form for plastic and told us we are all set. She will get visa# (the computer was busy at that time) in the evening and mail us approval notice. She specifically asked us to get the stamping so we could travel.

The reason for the transfer to local is :-
My chest Xray report (taken to test for TB) indicated that I had a class-B diaphargm elevation i.e. one of the diaphargms was at a higher elevation. In fact the INS docter had referred the report to my PCP. My PCP said that is not a problem. This was in Dec 2001.

The VSC adjud officer transferred the application to the local office so that they could inform me of this condition. His intentions were good but it did give me a little bit of tension.

Anyways, now it is all done.

That is great...... Feel good for you. the Latham office was fast with the interview schedule

I just did my 2nd FP , filed AR-11 and waiting....
Folks, I have received an RFE for the same reason. Now the INS doctor had told me that it was not important to get a chest x-ray if the TB skin test was okay. In fact he told me that he does not do the chest x-ray for people at all. THis is confusing and has given me lot of stress.

did ur interview took place in buffalo, ny ? did u have lawyer frm upstate, ny ? if yes would u please tell me? i am in upstate , ny and might need to hire lawyer for 485 interview.
Originally posted by Sharabi
did ur interview took place in buffalo, ny ? did u have lawyer frm upstate, ny ? if yes would u please tell me? i am in upstate , ny and might need to hire lawyer for 485 interview.

Interview was in Latham, Near Albany, upstate NY. My lawyer (who is in PA and is hired by our company) was not present for the interview.

Wish you all the best for the interview.