Interviewed, Approved & Stamped


So happy for you. I kept checking this website today just for your good news but seems I am still a little bit late and not the first one to give you my congratulations. You really deserve it, man. Enjoy your freedom and have a great weekend!!!

:) :D :p
July 16

July 16 --
Looking at this thread, it looks like you are very popular. Why dont you consider standing for an office.

President July 16 2004. :D

Hi July16 - Wishing the very best. Now you can start living life to the full. All the best!!

Congratulations... please continnue your valuable contributions to this board whenever you find time.

Enjoy your freedom.....
Congratulations .. that leaves me the longest waiting guy on this board

Congratulations .. that leaves me the longest waiting guy on this board !!!!!
July 16,
When I read about your date for an interniew, I was happy.
It happens to be my Birthday. My good wishes for you came true!
I just looged in to check how your interview went, and was happy to find out that, for a change, was only happy surprise.

I have been looking at this thread., Looks like you are a very special person on this site. So I also would like to congratulate you and wish you lots of luck and success always. Pls pray for us too.

rd 10/01/01
nd 11/19/01
fp 03/06/02
