interviewed... approved and stamped at newark on 4/17/03


Registered Users (C)
:) :) :) Finally the day had come.
Our case details:
RD : 9/4/01
FP : 2/12/02
TD : 3/3/03
Interview : 4/17/03 ( Approved and stamped ).
The interview was very simple. We reached the ins building 8 am interview was at 8:40 am. After security checks we went to 2nd floor to meet our attorney.She was very good and explained how the interview generally goes... etc. We all went to 13th floor gave our interview letters and our names were called in about 15 minutes. The officer took our index finger prints and lead us to her cabin. She mentioned to the attorney that the security checks are completed. She asked us to take oath and quickly went thru the file infront of her.She took and verified our drivers license and gave them back. She asked for our Ead's and she was filling some information on some form and asked if my husband is still working for the same company. Attorney said yes and she submitted the employer letter and mentioned that the company changed its name and asked If she wants to look at the documents. The officer said no and said that she is going to approve the case. she asked for our birth certificates copies and tax returns, kept them in her file and stamped our passports. She mentioned that the stamp is temporary and that we can travel with that ...etc and that we would recieve the cards soon. And we are all done. Total time was about 10 mins.
We still could'nt believe that its all over. We are greatful to god for getting thru this major hurdle.
Last but not the least we are greatful to Rajiv khanna,gcwait2000, and all good friends in this forum who posted all kinds of good information. Its been very very helpful throughout the process.
Thanks and bye bye. Good Luck to everyone who are waiting
Thanks everyone.
Interview letter recieved on 3/17/03.
Documents asked are employer letter, Medicals for both of us and passports and recent i-94's. But we took all possible documents to support our application.
at the top or your interniew letter,

do they mentioned that this interview will be video taped?
I guess I'm in the same boat as you are, my company has changed names too and my lawyer did'nt file amended I-140, according to her this is not required ? Did your lawyer filed Amended I-140? what docs did your lawyer present to the officer for Company name change at the time of interview ? Also do you know the reason for transfer to local office?

Thanks a bunch
Congratulations KKG....You will now receive a welcome letter (3-4 weeks) from VSC congratulating you on your permanent residence along with EAC number for the card.
Originally posted by ThakurSahab
I guess I'm in the same boat as you are, my company has changed names too and my lawyer did'nt file amended I-140, according to her this is not required ? Did your lawyer filed Amended I-140? what docs did your lawyer present to the officer for Company name change at the time of interview ? Also do you know the reason for transfer to local office?

Thanks a bunch

If you cse gets transfered to a local office, you can get a new employment letter from your employer with a employment verification and a disclaimer saying that company has changed names from xxxx to yyyy.