Interview successful, but not asked to sign photos.

No, realized it only later. My worry is would it impact Oath.
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It might, they might need to contact you to go to the local office to sign the photos :( I believe I saw a similar post some time back.
Likely depends on the DO. My wife and I didn't sign any photos in separate IO interviews. Initially I was concerned, but it has not had any negative effect. Maybe they are phasing out the signing of the photograph since it gets plastered and stamped onto the certificate anyway.

So unless you are sure that people from your DO have recently been signing the photos, it shouldn't be any reason to panic just yet.

...and congrats on your successful interview.
Does everyone have to sign photos? Did we already sign our photos when we
sent in the application package?
Does everyone have to sign photos? Did we already sign our photos when we
sent in the application package?

I put my A-number and my name (same for wife) on the back of the photos at the time of submitting the N-400. At the interview I was asked to print my name in block letters sideways in front of the photographs, and the IO provided me with a felt pen to do this.