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interview re-schedule


Registered Users (C)
hello house,

A friend of mine that is not registered on this forum asked me a question,and i could not give him a good and convincing answer.so I am posting this question to the forum for accurate answer to his question.

He had TB ten years ago, and has undergone a year treatment.since nine years ago he has been leaving okay without the TB.He now asked me that he found it some where on nairaland that someone that ones had TB 4 years ago and had also gone through treatment and okay,went for medical 4 weeks to his interview.After the x ray they found out something wrong and they ask him to go for sputum text in which he did.

However,he was later certified okay since the sputum proved that the result was negative.

Now they told him to wait for 8 weeks for confirmation of the result.As a result of this,he will miss the interview that has been schedule already.Then someone told him that once an interview has been schedule he cannot reschedule.

Can anyone confirm if this true or not?
Most consulates will reschedule although there is at least one that says they won't except in extreme circumstances. However KCC could (and would) override that.

Having said that, why does your friend need to reschedule at all - surely your friend could attend the meeting and then his case would be put on AP pending the medical results. As soon as that comes through clear, he'll get the visa.

hello house,

A friend of mine that is not registered on this forum asked me a question,and i could not give him a good and convincing answer.so I am posting this question to the forum for accurate answer to his question.

He had TB ten years ago, and has undergone a year treatment.since nine years ago he has been leaving okay without the TB.He now asked me that he found it some where on nairaland that someone that ones had TB 4 years ago and had also gone through treatment and okay,went for medical 4 weeks to his interview.After the x ray they found out something wrong and they ask him to go for sputum text in which he did.

However,he was later certified okay since the sputum proved that the result was negative.

Now they told him to wait for 8 weeks for confirmation of the result.As a result of this,he will miss the interview that has been schedule already.Then someone told him that once an interview has been schedule he cannot reschedule.

Can anyone confirm if this true or not?
I'll would go to the interview to get all done. After the consulate got the missing result he should get the visa asap.
Agree with the above, he should go to the interview and then submit the updated medical results when he gets them.
I rescheduled my interview (not because of medical but other reasons). In the embassy where I did the interview, you reschedule electronically but have to keep checking if a date will show. I rescheduled in May (initial interview was mid June), I kept checking every day and a date did not show until 19th August when I checked and there were only 2 dates available 15th Sep and 30th Sep. I picked 30th Sep (the last day for 2013 visas) of course conscious of the consequences. We got the visas to GOD's glory. My advise is; if really you do not have any reason that would compel you to reschedule except your own fears and doubts, please do not reschedule, just go for the interview.
Agree with the above, he should go to the interview and then submit the updated medical results when he gets them.
I rescheduled my interview (not because of medical but other reasons). In the embassy where I did the interview, you reschedule electronically but have to keep checking if a date will show. I rescheduled in May (initial interview was mid June), I kept checking every day and a date did not show until 19th August when I checked and there were only 2 dates available 15th Sep and 30th Sep. I picked 30th Sep (the last day for 2013 visas) of course conscious of the consequences. We got the visas to GOD's glory. My advise is; if really you do not have any reason that would compel you to reschedule except your own fears and doubts, please do not reschedule, just go for the interview.

That's exactly why I didn't reschedule - we would have had to miss our original date without knowing when we could get another. Missing documents is not generally a reason to miss an interview - we didn't have our police certificates ready yet and just submitted them when we got them. (Actually we dragged our feet submitting them as we wanted a later dated visa, which...ref another thread...is why I asked the CO whether the expiry date on the visa would be shorter because of the medicals, but it was still 6 months from issue).
thanks everyone,i have notified him of all your suggestion and advise,and he has agreed not to reschedule.