interview passed!!!


Registered Users (C)
hello everyone,
i am not an active member of this forum but i look for advices that pertains to my situation.

my husband of 5 years and i had our interview last jan. 9 at 1:45pm, san francisco DO. we were interviewed by a very nice lady who COULD BE intimidating if she wanted to.

she looked at my driver's license, EAD card and my husband's driver's license.

first, she made me repeat everything that was on my application form:
name, address, phone number, date of birth, my mothers name, my fathers name etc.
she also asked me if had been out of USA, even just mexico or canada. i said NO, because i really did not go anywhere for 5 years.
she made me place on her desk every paper/document that we had joint accounts, loan and everything else. she got them and encircled our name in it.

then, she made me sign the application again, noting the things she added.

while i was signing, she asked my husband:
how did we meet
when/which month did we start dating - can you believe my husband didnt know which month
why did we get married too fast- just after 4 months of dating (i thought we were in trouble), i just told her i knew my husband was the one for me and that i dont know my husband's reason for marrying me too soon. she laughed.
asked how many guests we had at our civil wedding

then we just chatted about our goals etc.
we told her we will have our grand wedding on march 8, 2008
then she asked me about our grand wedding.

she asked me if i was going out of the country soon. i said feb. 22. she said she has to look for a stamp so she could stamp my passport.

she saw one and stamped my passport.
i asked for my EAD card back, she laughed and said "you are now the real thing, from this moment, you are a LEGAL permanent resident" then i couldnt contain myself and i asked my husband for a high five.

she was nice. i was confident bu tmy husband was so nervous, he was mumbling.

now, i just checked my case status online and said that my welcome letter and green card is on the way! weeeheee!!! after 5 long years!!

thank you very much for each one of you posting all your experiences in this forum. it helps everyone a lot.
Congratulations! Enjoy...

You are lucky - I had my interview 6 weeks ago, was approved, passport stamped for 2 months validity - but - still no notice, online updates, or green card.

Hope they didn't lose my file or something...
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