Interview is cancelled the night before ! Not a nice feeling at all


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I do not know what to say about this. I am sure some went through it before and feel sorry for them.
I got ready for the next day to go with my wife and do the interview in Baltimore. We got the mail in the after noon and we got a letter saying " interview cancelled due to unforseen ,,,,,"
Not a nice feeling at all. Its like taking a punch in the face . Its been now a With the stories I collected it seems we are going to enter a winter sleep with this stroy . Sorry to bring the bad news but really not a nice feeling. Specially when yoy get excited and happy its close.
Basically I get better job offers in other states than in Maryland , but guess what I cant move to another city so that I do not have to go into all the paper work and go back start again.
I do not know what to do now..maybe info pass , to hear what I expect to hear , its somewhere...
markus76 said:
I do not know what to say about this. I am sure some went through it before and feel sorry for them.
I got ready for the next day to go with my wife and do the interview in Baltimore. We got the mail in the after noon and we got a letter saying " interview cancelled due to unforseen ,,,,,"
Not a nice feeling at all. Its like taking a punch in the face . Its been now a With the stories I collected it seems we are going to enter a winter sleep with this stroy . Sorry to bring the bad news but really not a nice feeling. Specially when yoy get excited and happy its close.
Basically I get better job offers in other states than in Maryland , but guess what I cant move to another city so that I do not have to go into all the paper work and go back start again.
I do not know what to do now..maybe info pass , to hear what I expect to hear , its somewhere...
You state that you got a letter saying " interview cancelled due to unforseen ,,,,,"

Some questions:
1. Did both you and your wife get the letter?
2. What were the EXACT wording of the letter? Does it give any indications as to why they cancelled it?
3. Are you planning to do an InfoPass soon? Please post InfoPass experience.
4. Did your status disappear from the USCIS web site?
5. What is you application timeline?

N400Applier said:
You state that you got a letter saying " interview cancelled due to unforseen ,,,,,"

Some questions:
1. Did both you and your wife get the letter?
2. What were the EXACT wording of the letter? Does it give any indications as to why they cancelled it?
3. Are you planning to do an InfoPass soon? Please post InfoPass experience.
4. Did your status disappear from the USCIS web site?
5. What is you application timeline?


Actually it was for me alone she is a citizen.
The exact wording was only two lines. due to unforseen we have to cancel we will send you a letter later with a new appointment " thats it
Info pass is possible but what I realized that they will only tell you they are working on it and its somewhere. I do not know I think I should do it.
About my status on USCIS , wierd , never had a status posted on there,. Everytimne I ask the center why they told me dont worry about it , so basically was never able to check my status it shows blank.
Did you have any issue with name check? Can you share the dates of finger printing and when the interview letter was received?
Don't worry be happy

They usually do this if your Name check is not completed, or the DO office do not have your A-file. Within next 11 weeks they reschedule your Interview.
This has happened to many people. Hope everything works out in your case.
MJA said:
Did you have any issue with name check? Can you share the dates of finger printing and when the interview letter was received?

I do not know if its the a name check. I did finger printing in June. I cant remember exact day but I can look it up. I got the letter in September for the Interview for Nov 29th. Got the cancellation letter on Nov 28th.

If they cancelled me maybe a week earlier maybe It would have been much more easy to take than a day build so much hopes then you start from scratch.
thanks Miami and everybody for sharing your thoughts with me

Oh well 11 weeks of waiting ..11 weeks sometimes seem like 11 years.
If it was close as it was.You should have just gone for the interview.Things can lost in mail.Atleast you would have met the officer in person and know the reason behind cancellation.No more of guess work or fustration.Just my 2 cents ... :eek:
dckaraja said:
If it was close as it was.You should have just gone for the interview.Things can lost in mail.Atleast you would have met the officer in person and know the reason behind cancellation.No more of guess work or fustration.Just my 2 cents ... :eek:

I think I should have done that at least to find out why ...mmm, I dont know really . I might try info pass and hear the whole spiel .
I was in the same situation - I got my "descheduled due to unforseen surcumstances" notice 2 days before the interview.
It's not a namecheck - they wouldn't issue the original IL in the first place if your namecheck is pending.
Most likely the service center had failed to submit your A-file on time or the DO is backed up. Or maybe the immigration officer assigned to your case has a day off for whatever reason.
A lot of people on this forum are getting descheduled notices, but the majority gets rescheduled within a few weeks after...
I hope you'll get your new notice soon.
The same thing happened to me as well, only I got a little bit more notice (about 10 days, I think). I went to an Infopass appointment immediately, and they were able to give me the new interview date straight away (interview date was about 6 weeks later). The invitation letter then took a few days to arrive at my home. So it's not necessarily a major delay! Perhaps your interviewer just had an extended holiday, or got sick. It could be as simple as that. I totally understand how disappointing it is to receive that notice, but chances are you'll be re-scheduled before you know it. Fingers crossed!
Don't worry....same thing happened to me as well. Just like Dani stated, you should get another Interview letter soon.

My second Interview notice came in about 5 weeks after the first Interview got descheduled by USCIS.

Most likely, your name check is done and what happened could be as simple as your file not getting transferred to the local district office in time.
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Thank you so much everybody for sharing your experience with me . I am going to hope that this will not take too long. So far it has only been a month. I think from what you are saying I should wait little more and if I dont hear from them maybe next month I should pay a visit to the DO.
Every day at the mail is a day of surprises and disapointments heheh .
thanks everybody so much for sharing
That happened to me as well (slightly more notice). The reason in my case was that they misplaced my paperwork. Here is my story:

My advice...

Wait 4-6 weeks to see if the quickly reschedule it (4-6 weeks is "quick" in USCIS-land). If not, send a letter to the local District Office director (don't expect a reply or a result, just send it to be able to say you've sent a letter). Wait a week or two more, and then go the congressman/senator route (you need to have waited long enough to be able to get some sympathy).

Good luck.
thanks fllydog.

It seems that am among the backlog files of the Vermon center as they are only now working around March 2006 and my priority is July . Which means they need 3 month to get to my papers . Wao ..I need to wait three months then expect a letter to reschedule !!!!!!!! , it seems am on a long ride....

I wish they did not send a letter from the first place and get your hopes.

....but if your file ready why should you wait for priority date to get it transfered why cant they just send it to DO,,,
oh well .....alright enough with the complaining ....
Actually, the good news is that if you got an interview letter, you made it through the backlog. The bad news is that you are now in the "other" pile.

In some DOs, that pile seems to be processed quickly. In other DOs (like Dallas) they seem to process that pile very slowly.

Good luck