That is not correct information. It is possible to enrol on a University degree course without having the US High school equivalent they expect. In fact you can also obtain a masters degree without high school education and even without a bachelors. So - some COs are picky about that and require the proof of US high school equivalent even though the applicant is showing completed higher level degrees.
For the OP, you should give more detail here about the 10 year education because just the fact that it was completed in 10 years could suggest it is at a lower level. If you later sat a qualifying test such as a GED to enrol in the University degree course then that level of education would NOT be at the right level to qualify. So Anuta, to properly weigh your options describe your education more fully here and also it might be wise to describe roughly your work and how long you have done that (as you may be qualified that way).
Oh, I apologize for misinformation then.