Interview Experience N-400 Los Angeles


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Hello Everyone, I'd like to share my experience this week, hope I can help someone.

My application was Marriage based, and as I had posted here, I lost my wallet 3 days before the interview (luckly my state ID wasn't in there)

I arrived at the office 40 minutes earlier, even though they ask you not to come more than 30 minutes, I couldn't wait so I went anyway. The room wasn't that full. I put my receipt notice on the bin, and sat to wait for my time.

15 minutes late, I was called by an asian lady, who then confirmed that was me on the application. She took me to the back, asked for my drivers liscense and made a photocopy. She then asked me to follow her to her office where she made me swear I was telling the truth. After that, she asked me to seat down.

She then looked at my file, huge pile. Asked for my passports, I gave them to her, then she asked for my greencard, and I told her I had lost it. I gave her the Police report and the I-90 to prove I had applied for a new greencard. She went throughly on the police report, asking me details on how, where and when I lost my wallet. She had a thick accent, and sometimes it was difficult understand what she was asking. She wasn't very patiente with me not understanding her questions, and that made the interview a bit nervewrecking. My english is extremelly good, so understanding people is not a problem, but her accent...Also, I am a very social guy, and love to use humor in situations like these. Usually it works, and people have a sense of humor, but she did not. I remember the officer for my greencard interview, we joked the whole time. But with this one, she was very quiet and dry.

Anyway, after she was done with the police report she started going through my application, item per item. Asked about my trips outside the US. She didn't ask the reason I left, but just how many times and dates. She asked about trips I made in 2004 and earlier, and it was hard to remember most of them since it's been a while.

She read through my application and with no warning, started asking me questions on the civics test.

1)What is an Amendment?
2)Who vetos bills?
3)What is the capital of california?
4)If the President and the Vice-President can no longer serve, who becomes president?

I don't remember the other ones, she then asked me to write down on a piece of paper "The White House is in Washington DC" And asked me to read a phrase about the White House but I do not remember what it was exactly. The test was super easy as you can see.

Then she started asking me about crimes, if i was arrested and the likes, I answered no to all. Then she asked me about traffic tickets, if I had any. I answered YES, and she asked me when and why. Both had happened in 06. She asked if I payed them and I said yes. She did not ask for proof or anything like that.

Then she asked me if I had my most recent tax returns. I gave her, she made a copy. Gave other assets I had with my wife, but did not ask for marriage certificate, nor her birth certificate which surprised me.

She then left the office, came back and gave me a letter of approval, and a form for me to fill out to take to the Oath stating my greencard was lost. She then said I was done, and asked me to follow her. She said that it was going to take 90 days for my oath. I asked her "Is it going to take UP to 90 days or it WILL take 90 days?" She said "It WILL take 90 days" I hope she was just being concervative about it and that it'll take less time than that.

I left the building and that's it. Now waiting on Oath Letter :)
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Congratulations, and good luck

Both me & Wife have our interview in 2 weeks in Los Angeles DO, I hope it goes smooth

Did you have any feedback from others who had the interview same day with you, any hardtimes during interviews ??
Cookie Monster,

congrats onthe approval - from your description, it sounds like we may have had the same IO - lady of asian appearance, heavy accent, no sense of humour, and ,not much personality ......but, I was approved too, so, it's all good :)
Cookie Monster,

congrats onthe approval - from your description, it sounds like we may have had the same IO - lady of asian appearance, heavy accent, no sense of humour, and ,not much personality ......but, I was approved too, so, it's all good :)

Hahaha! She told me towards the end that it was going to take 90 days to get the Oath! Did she tell you that too? I surely hope it doesn't take that long..specially since I lost my greencard and I'd love to be home for christmas :)
congratulations! Yes, i don't know why there are many asian people in LA DO who are with heavy accents... last time in the GC interview, even my american husband could bearly understand him, but that guy is really nice, it seems like he is nicer than this woman. I don't like people who don't have any sense of humor, too dry.... hope not her! ;)
hi guys,

I am to mail the N400 pretty soon ( i live in NY), just to get an idea, can i expect the the time frame of sending the N400 to the actual oath and being given the certificate of naturalization to be approimately 6 months ? if everything goes smooth of course.

its not that i am too hasty to give up my indian citizenship and become an American, my wife (recently married ) is in india and she is an indian citizen. it would begr8 if i could give her a tim frame so she wouldnt be hoping against hope for things to be sooner . :(
-thanks in advance
Interview Experience at Santa Ana, CA

My husband and I had our interviews today and here are the details:

Our appt was at 1:50 pm and we arrived at 1:20 pm. We placed our appt letters in the tray and waited. There were 14-20 people in the room. My husband was called in at 1:40 and he was out at 1:50. He had the n652 letter with "recommended for approval" checked.

I was called in at 1:50 and here are my details:

I was asked to raise my right hand and promise to tell the truth. Then was asked to sit down. He asked for my DL/GC (did not ask for pp). Here are the questions:

1. Are you married?
2. Do you want ot change your name?
3. What is your address?
4. Where are you employed?
5. Do you have any children?
6. Member of any club, orgn,?
7. Were you ever arrested?
8. Any problems with alcohol, drugs?
Civics test:
1. 4 amendments to vote. Describe one of them.
2. Name one right of freedom from 1st amendment
3. Who is head of executive branch?
4. If President cannot serve, who becomes president?
5. Why did the colonists come to america?
Cannot remember the 6th question.
Was asked to Read = "Which state has the most people? Was asked to write "California has the most people".
After this, he returned my GC/DL and handed me the n-652 letter marked "recommended for approval.' He said, I should get something in the mail in 2 weeks for the oath ceremony. I asked him, if I could get slated for the ceremonies in Dec, since I am traveling in Nov. He said, "dont yell at me, if it does not happen, but I am pretty sure, you will not get an oath date for November." He smiled briefly, I said thank you and walked out.

My husband's experience was similar. He had a DUI 10 years ago, and a ticket (over $500) last year - no documents were asked.

Thanks to all for your information and support. Now we wait for the Oath letter.

DO - Santa Ana
PD - 7/24/09
FP Notice recd - 8/13/09
FP Appt - 8/20/09
FP Done - 8/20/09
Email Std Int - 9/3/09
IL/Checklist Dt - 9/3/09
ID - 10/27/09 - approved! :)
OL - waiting????
My husband and I had our interviews today and here are the details:

Our appt was at 1:50 pm and we arrived at 1:20 pm. We placed our appt letters in the tray and waited. There were 14-20 people in the room. My husband was called in at 1:40 and he was out at 1:50. He had the n652 letter with "recommended for approval" checked.

I was called in at 1:50 and here are my details:

I was asked to raise my right hand and promise to tell the truth. Then was asked to sit down. He asked for my DL/GC (did not ask for pp). Here are the questions:

1. Are you married?
2. Do you want ot change your name?
3. What is your address?
4. Where are you employed?
5. Do you have any children?
6. Member of any club, orgn,?
7. Were you ever arrested?
8. Any problems with alcohol, drugs?
Civics test:
1. 4 amendments to vote. Describe one of them.
2. Name one right of freedom from 1st amendment
3. Who is head of executive branch?
4. If President cannot serve, who becomes president?
5. Why did the colonists come to america?
Cannot remember the 6th question.
Was asked to Read = "Which state has the most people? Was asked to write "California has the most people".
After this, he returned my GC/DL and handed me the n-652 letter marked "recommended for approval.' He said, I should get something in the mail in 2 weeks for the oath ceremony. I asked him, if I could get slated for the ceremonies in Dec, since I am traveling in Nov. He said, "dont yell at me, if it does not happen, but I am pretty sure, you will not get an oath date for November." He smiled briefly, I said thank you and walked out.

My husband's experience was similar. He had a DUI 10 years ago, and a ticket (over $500) last year - no documents were asked.

Thanks to all for your information and support. Now we wait for the Oath letter.

DO - Santa Ana
PD - 7/24/09
FP Notice recd - 8/13/09
FP Appt - 8/20/09
FP Done - 8/20/09
Email Std Int - 9/3/09
IL/Checklist Dt - 9/3/09
ID - 10/27/09 - approved! :)
OL - waiting????

Congratulations!!!!! See!! I wish my IO said that at the end of the interview instead of telling it would take 90 days for me to get an oath letter!!!! i sure hope she was just being a douche.... argh it's killing me! :)
Gave other assets I had with my wife, but did not ask for marriage certificate, nor her birth certificate which surprised me.
The explanation might be that she already saw your marriage certificate and your wife's birth certificate on file from when you applied for a marriage based green card (if that's how you got your green card).