interview exp -philadelphia 10/27/09


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Our interview was schdeuled on today at 10/27/2009 . Myself and mywife both has passed the interview

My interview was scheduled at 2pm and where as her at 2:20 pm .We both reached at 1pm . I was interviewed at 2:230 pm. The officer was very nice and very soft spoken .For some it is taking more than 45 min and where as mine ended in 10 min.

He went thru the my application and asked me 6question all of them are correct .
My questions are Sorry I dont remember the toal questions

1) The name of the ocean on west side
2) Abhram lincon is famous for
3) Name of the president in world war 11
4) The eligibilty for the vote
5) Name of thee national anthem
6) ??