Interview clear but pening background check, anyone same?


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Interview cleared on 3/27/2007 in LA, CA but pening background check, so the lady did not gave me stemp or GC. how long ususally take the beackground check, anyone is same as me and got background check clear fast?
Loads of people are in your situation. There is no set time for FBI clearance. Could be weeks to years.
That may or may not be true. Its difficult to find a rhyme or reason behind name check delays.
I do not have a common name - even for the country I am from- but I have been waiting for name check over two years now!!
I guess it depends where you are from and how lucky you are.
I am not even sure if my name has been sent to FBI, although that is what USCIS tells me, I am waiting, mean while I can write letters and see if a law suit does the trick
Good luck hope your wait is short