Interview Call From Local INS


Thanks for the update on your case.
By the way, did u change your employers as a result of layoff or
you changed because you got a better offer?
If you had a layoff, did you have a break in employment during the AOS stage? If so , how many days?
Also since you had mentioned you had informed BCIS abt change of employment in Sept, did you send in a letter before your interview?
Best wishes.
No I dint inform INS about the change of the company before the interview. I got a better offer, hence i changed the company and there was not gap(bench et...) between changing the companies.

were u in IT recruiting/sales?
I was and recently got laid off, now I'm getting job offers for otherkind of recruiting ( engineering, medical, HR). I need a job and I don't know if I should say no to thses offers, but since i hav eto be in IT, wouldn't that be a problem later on?

Advice please!!
Hello Gctran,
Thanks for posting the details of your interview. I wish you will be approved. Till now to me knowledge no body was denied. Be happy. How did your case got transferred?. Did you file for transfer?.
I am into programming. I dont know the reason for the transfer. probable reasons could be : changing of marital status after filing AOS or changing the company ? not sure why ? even the officer dint know why?
Hi GCtran

Have you recieved your approval letter from the milwaukee office.
I had my interview done there yesterday and they told me that they would send approval letter in "weeks". Could you update your status to all of us??

