Interview Backlog for Asylum applicants in Arlington Office


New Member
Hi all

i applied for asylum in Early April 2013, and havnt got my interview date scheduled yet, and after checking with few of the people i know , i found out that many of them have not got thier interviews scheduled yet.

this post is for Asylum applicants who applied in Arlington Office, and have not got thier interviews scheduled yet.

we can share ideas, and try to find a way to make our interviews scheduled faster.

هذا البوست هو لطالبي اللجوء الذين قدمو طلبات اللجوء في مكتب آرلينغتون و لم يحصلو على موعد مقابلة بعد

الرجاء التواصل علنا نجد بعض الأفكار لمحاولة تقريب موعد مقابلاتنا
Definitely you are not alone. I do not know how many people are in similar situation like you and me but I assure you that their number is pretty significant.
I too applied in April but no interview date has been received so far.

If you have time, have a look at a blog of Jason Dzubow-an Asylum attorney. From his articles you might find answers to many questions...
I would have provided a link below but I do not know whether posting links is permitted on this forum (cause I didn't read the agreement :D ).
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In the same boat...still waiting for interview date!

I too applied in first week of May 2014 and am yet to receive my interview date. I guess our applications have been relegated to a black hole (low priority). We've just had sheer bad luck that our applications were filed in those rare months when the asylum offices were swamped and overwhelmed with credible fear interviews at the port of entry (particularly along the Mexico border). So our files were but on the back-burner and all officers were re-routed to the border to manage the excessive workload!

Now that the situation is back to some semblance of normalcy and fresh applications are being addressed and decided within 1 to 3 months (thanks to additional manpower that's been hired), our applications are unluckily those that are on extreme low priority and will be addressed at a snail's pace (who knows how long it could take)! Let's just hope for the best and keep supporting one another on this thread.

If anyone who applied in 2013, between January to October, has received their interview date please let us know the details (i.e. when did you apply, when did your interview notice come etc).

Take care folks and please stay in touch with one another - together we can support one another through this most tense of times.
Although my application was for the Rosedale AO in NY, my timeline is below. Despite having my interview within a reasonable timeframe, I have no result.