Interpreting 90 days prior rule -- Please clarify


Registered Users (C)
As per the Naturalization Guide: (Below are the excerpts from the guide)

"If you are applying based on 5 years as Permanent Resident or 3 years as a permanent Resident married to a U.S. citizen, you may file for naturalization up to 90 days before you meet the continuous residence requirement. You may send your application before you have met the requirement for continuous residence only. You must also meet all other eligibility requirements when you file your application with USCIS."

As per the requirrements for the 5 years as Permanent Resident (shown first two below):

1. PR (Time as permanant resident): 5 years.
2. Continuous Residence: 5 years as a permant resident without leaving united states for trips of 6 months or longer.

If we go by the guide verbage, sending 90 days before meeting the contiuous residence does not meet the 1st requirement (Residence for 5 years)

Am I reading/interpreting too much here??

Bottom line is:

I am Resident since from 05/02/2002 (as per the green card) also I do have adjustment of status as 05/11/2002 on my passport.

Can I send my N-400 application after 2/2/2007, mostly 1st week or 2nd week of Febrauary. As per the excel sheet 90 days prior from my 5 years anniversary (5/2/07) is 02/01/07. BTW, our DO (Charlotte, NC) is taking an average 6 months.

Please clarify..

Thanks for your time.

And, given the experience of some list members, wait a couple of days or even a week, just to make sure. Don't do the calculation and sign/send the form on exactly the date you calculate.
SRK, irrespective of how soon you apply, you will not be allowed to take the oath until you have reached the 5yr anniversary, so at that point you will meet all the requirements.