Internships in VA


New Member
I have recently received my ATT number and am eligible to start on my internship. My enquiries with some stores her in VA shows that most of them offer Pharmacy Technician positions paying around $10-$12/hr. My question is:
1. Does working as a Pharmacy Technician count towards the 1000 hrs. required for intership??
2. The wages in VA seem to be very low as compared to other parts of the country, like Mid-West, where interns are being paid close to $30/hr. Am i being misled or are these the prevelant wages in VA. Thank you for all your help.
I am also in Virginia and am preparing for the FPGEE. Could U tell me what books u r using. Also do U know any body who is selling Manan Shroff and Morris Cody. What books are u using. I would appreciate any advice u could give to a fellow pharmacist. About the rates I hav no clue but I could find out and tell u about it.