Interim EAD before 90 days


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iEAD before 90 days (need your opinions)

I filed for EAD renewal at VSC(RD: Feb 13, 2004, ND: Feb 18, 2004). 91st day would be May 18, 2004. My current EAD expires on May 8th 2004. Does this mean that I will have to be without pay for 10 days? Will Boston office entertain my application on May 7th? I live in Providence and there is an office in Providence. Does anyone have experience at Providence. Please share your thoughts.
Please first try at Providence office..Good luck!

Originally posted by greenrk
iEAD before 90 days (need your opinions)

I filed for EAD renewal at VSC(RD: Feb 13, 2004, ND: Feb 18, 2004). 91st day would be May 18, 2004. My current EAD expires on May 8th 2004. Does this mean that I will have to be without pay for 10 days? Will Boston office entertain my application on May 7th? I live in Providence and there is an office in Providence. Does anyone have experience at Providence. Please share your thoughts.
Try at providence

It might be a good idea to check it before May so that you know whether they entertain early I-ead or no or if you might want to try at boston.
otherwise your university (I guess it might be Brown) will be able to give more advice on this.