
well said patience gc


Next post i expect from you - "i" before "e" except after "c" or when there is an eihg sound like in neighbour..

I don't mean to be razzing on you, but that was a very funny post.. to realize that you got to know of that today, and decided to share here
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The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick"
is said to be the toughest tongue twister
in the English language.
Can't resist...

"stewardesses" is the longest English word that can be typed with the left hand only.

scsdvssseezedefferterteqdsqscfsrfewrdsxsxsszzaaasec is longest Slavic word...

Remember those Britisher colonialists, and they speak with the "plum in the mouth"?
And Eliza Dolittle? These are famous phrases used to improve one's diction
in elocution lessons:

How now brown cow?
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

Through my extensive and in-depth Indian cultural immersion,
I will translate to Hindi:

Actually, how now is only brown cow?
Even now, the rain in Spain is falling mainly on plain.


:) :p that Even now.... is so funny...

and another one used is 'Already'...

like Already i have so much work pressure...and now this Gc stuff...:p :p

Try these:

Red leather, yellow leather (repeat many times)

Or try this:

I'm not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's mate,
And I'm only plucking pheasants. 'cause the pheasant plucker's late.

Although I can't condone plucking feathers from any bird.
Hey, you guys ever to Brit-desi sensations Cornershop?
They have a Punjabi version of Norwegian Wood (lukkri).
It rocks!

Brimful of Asha on the '45.

Originally posted by handsome
No word in the English language rhymes with "month".

Pardon my French
But would C**T possibly qualify

:D :D :D

again apologies to everyone for using that word

No this won't qualify,

Vent, Dent, Rent etc. rhyme with Cent :D :D

Please try again

Or was it Cult that u meant?;)
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chicken65 and Calgal

I can see that you both are not from India.

I aint gonna sit here watch and you both make fun of my countrymen!

Y'all gonna have to learn some manners around here.

Aint no ABCD or BBCD gonna make fun of us FOBbies! :D

is the longest word in the dictionary. I think it means " useless" or something similar.

The actual longest word is


Which is a term for a respiratory disease caused by silica particles in air after a volcanic eruption or something like that. Maybe the docs on this board can clarify. Some dont accept this as it is only a medical term.