Interesting site

Anti-immigration site...
If only these people would realize they too are descendants of Immigrants in this country.
Luddite Trash...

This website was smacked of propaganda than facts. Thanks to a seething wave of Luddite, conservative, anti-immigrant wave, travesty of truth has become the norm of the day. Well, while we have seen numerous "propagandist" sites flaring up each day, do we have a reasonably good site to factually report the "true state of the story?" Come on guys, I don't think even a miniscule percentage of applicants in this forum are tax-evaders, as is being portrayed in such websites. While, everywhere there would be violators and cheats, immigrants are no exception to that as well. However, in general, IT Workers from Asia-Pacific, have never been state liabilities in this Country. I guess, the best way to counter this kind of propaganda would be to join hands and come up with an educational website of our own to "educate," the educated cum gullible masses of this country who cannot see more than what meets the eye.
Stupid and Ignorant

This dude says " H-1b: DOL/INS fails to update the IRS that a worker is here. We've interviewed dozens where payroll taxes were NOT withheld. Ask your favorite foreign tech worker if he has a pay stub! "

Yeah Please do that I'll show you my pay stub!! no problem.
I'll even do better. I'll take you with me to HR Block where I do my taxes and show you that just last Apr 15 I paid over 11,000 DOLLARS on TOP of what they take away from me every 2 weeks.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Re: Stupid and Ignorant

Yeah Please do that I'll show you my pay stub!! no problem.
I'll even do better. I'll take you with me to HR Block where I do my taxes and show you that just last Apr 15 I paid over 11,000 DOLLARS on TOP of what they take away from me every 2 weeks.

You've got a house or the salary is that huge so you didn't estimate the withheld correctly? :(
I agree with poongunranar. We should make an effort to educate this type of people to let them understand that most of our cultures are rich in history, values and believes. Most of us were educated with values like to be responsible, to respect others, to be trusted, to care for others, to be fair and to become better citizens. I think it is our job to let them know.