Interesting question someone posed to me - Reason for GC


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While all of us have been talking about docs that are needed for the interview, recently my father posed a question that I feel stupid I donot have answer to:

1. If they ask at the interview - why do you need immigrant visa and green-card what should our respone be? (The case is for employment based category)

2. If they stress further - that when you applied for F1 and then H1, you always mentioned that you are going there for a short time and will return back to your country - India, so now why is that changing. What should our response be?

Thoughts from anybody and everybody welcome - I will compile the results, and post for everybody\'s benefit
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The answer to your first question is because you have decided to stay permanently in the United States and hence you have applied for the GC.

The answer to your second question is also fairly straight forward. When you applied for the non-immigrant visas, you had indeed intended to go to US only on a temporary basis. However, after all the time that had passed on F1 and H1, you have had a change in intent. Now change in intent one month (I mean a short time) after coming on a non-immigrant visa is a reason for suspecting fraud or misrepresentation of intent but after a few years it cannot be proven that our intent during applying for F1/H1 was eventual immigration. The good thing about this is that the burden of proof is not on the applicant.

So do not worry about these questions. First they are not asked and even if asked just reply with the above answers and you WILL be fine.
H-1 is Dual intent unlike F-1

So it is expected of H1 holder to apply for GC.

It is your last minute jitters.. Dont worry. You are not doing any thing unusual. Also "Consular Interview" is not an "interview"; just a very expensive "currier service". FedEx could have done what you will be doing at the consulate - Deliver you papers!