Interesting From a insider of BCIS

And we were blaming BCIS employees everyday !
Now it remains to be seen if Prakash Khatri can help at all, sice Ashcroft is involved.
However it was good to know that the BCIS employees will be back to work on I-485 by Oct. 1st (hopefully ???).

Hello guys,

This is not inside information. It is well known that DOJ (Ashcoft)still controls the USCIS in a lot of ways through DHS or directly. Money allocated, mandate or not, policy and all are controlled by Ashcroft, who has been throwing fear around for a long time.

I mentioned in the Petition addresses that he should have been a recipient also..

If the SECURITY was/is so paramount why he did not hire or allocate ADDITIONAL people from DOJ to do the "dead people scanning and issuance of visas"? at the expense of nobody. He did not do that, since the backlogs also serve his policy to diminish immigration in one way or another.

What happened to his promises during the Senate confirmation hearings? (public domain)?

"Actually, it's not so much the laws that
have been passed by Congress as it is the
decisions that have been made and
positions that have been taken by Attorney
General Ashcroft," he says. "Because he
was dissatisfied with many of the pro-immigrant decisions of
the BIA, the Board of Immigration Appeals, he did two things.
First, he had five of the judges dismissed, and not on the basis
of seniority; curiously enough, they were the five most
pro-immigrant judges on the Board of Appeals. Secondly,
having streamlined the board, in an effort to speed up the
cases he allowed judges at the BIA level to issue decisions
without comment, summary decisions. These actions changed
the rules of the game for the BIA.

"The other thing that has immigration lawyers so concerned
is secret evidence. By that I mean once the AG has certified
someone as a terrorist, if the immigration judge decides that
some piece of evidence is national security sensitive, then he
can declare it secret, and unless the immigration lawyer has a
national security clearance, then he or she can't see it. And the
only case I've heard about in which the lawyer was allowed to
see secret evidence was one in which the immigration lawyer
was a former head of the CIA!"
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My estimate was correct before! I said about 15-20 officers. And somebody said I was wrong. :( So it's safe to say right now only 2-3 officers work on 485 cases, from Oct 1, will be 15-20 officers work on 485 cases. That's 5-6 times faster.

Well, Oct 1 is this week, we finally reached the judgement day!
As you all know before Sep 11, INS was very lax in giving the visas and GC's. Ashcroft was right putting in place all the security checks and other things. I agree with the zero-tolerance policy too. But I think he is off the mark in doing a scrutiny of the old 485 cases. 485 cases are straight-forward cases and hence the scrutiny would have been on the illegal/asylee cases. But again we don't have a large voice and so are always the first to be side-lined.

There is no justification to all the backlogs we are facing - they should have increased the fees and put more officers or automated the whole damn thing. I still think the people working on our cases are lazy and are not doing their work. They should have fired all those people and would have given it to the private companies.
Everyone have their hidden agenda, they implement that whenever they get a chance.

Generally, Republicans are for Legal immigration due to their ties with Corporate world but Democrats are for Family based, Legalizing Illegal Immigrants........
I think John Ashcroft also tried to do the same just like most of the Republicans but indirectly we were affected.