Interesting Fact Regarding Rapidigm


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I don\'t know what Rapidigm is. Definitely I am not a recruiter. But one interesting thing I found from this discussion board is that Rapidigm can retain great employees like
(1) mukund sarangapani : Exceptional background with two US Masters
(2) sweetie - MS from Stanford University
(3) final stage - MBA from reputable institution in NY

Guys, what is the secret of Rapidigm in retaining these great resources who were supposed to work at least in Big 5 ?
but not people like you and me . so I advise all ordinary people like us

should quit RP*****
Rapidigm employee ?? me ????

Come on Guys. I tried to give a lefthanded praise to the bodyshoppers. But however both my great(!!!!) typing skills and paucity of time made that message to give a neagtive twist. Still barring a few typos and one incomplete sentence one can get the essence what is being told If he/she spends couple of minutes more on the message.

A couple of days back same thing happened to two guys who posted lefthanded praises. Either who are working for Rapidigm have no time to read or lack the sense of humor.

What I really wanted to say is, if one resolves to come here there are lot of ways. Even in 60\'s and 50\'s many people came from India and settled here and concept easing regulations for foreign skilld(??) workers came into the pitcure only in 90\'s.

BTW, I am neither working for rapidigm nor in the field of SW. EO&R

One more thing

Do not say exceptional background(Though your connotaion is different) and I am just above average. An average Indian student say who gets 60% in India can get GPA 4. Most of the IITiens get around 2400 in GRE. (I am not from IIT). If you have 82 precnetile(not percentage. In percentage 82 percentile will be some where around 60%. My score 99 perecentile was 730 or 740 out of 800) in GMAT will give you an entry any IvyLeage schools in US(Ofcourse with no scholorship). What 99 perecentile means is that you are in top 2% of the people who took GMAT in last 5 years. I would not have posted my second message about my scores but for the personal teasing directed on me.

It looks like Rapidigm employees are ready to shoot anything which moves, irrespective of friend or Foe. That is a one comapny!!!!!!!!!
If you have sense of humor , you would understand what I am trying to say.By the way, I always stoo

did my BTech in a reputed university ( one of the best in INDIA) and got 1900 in GRE. About "PERSONAL TEASING", I feel you should follow the advise given by you (actually I am not teasing you , please read my message carefully) . May be my sentence was in complete and had typos, but one with sense of humor could easily understand what I meant .For your kind information ,this is neither a writing competition nor language proficiency, brief incomplete sentences and typos are acceptable .

My message is not a direct reply to yours. I was replyinhg to some one who commented on my first message. I believe threads got mixed