intention of denial - Can anyone share info on this...?


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intent to deny - Can anyone share info on this...?

I got an intent to deny letter that requests a missing document, past 2 years W-2 form, 2-month pay stub, and company letter. They received my submission on Sept 30th and online status saying that the case has resumed. It's a little bit different from RFE, according to my attorney....
How long do you think it would take to be approved....any similar cases/experiences?

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Some IIOs call it RFE and some call it Intent to Deny. Intent to Deny is a little bit more stringent in that you definitely need to reply within a specified time.
cmyk55 - if you dont post details, nobody will answer you....

Clearly from what you mentioned, your RFE was dealt with and they are going to deny your case based on 'something'. After you get your denial notice you will know. It is different from a RFE and you should be worried and review your case throughly. Go thru all your documents from the beginning. You may find something that might have not caught your eye.

If your lawyer thinks it is just like an RFE and is casual about it, then change your lawyer.

Finally, I hope it is nothing serious and you get approved ultimately.
My missing document was my ex-husband's I-20 while I was F-2 holder, and if I don't have it, I just needed to pay $1000 penalty for being out of status and I did.
And here's my details:
intent to deny: 9/?/03
received: 9/30/03
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Generally they don't send intent to deny notice for W2s and pay stubs.

This might be happened because of this.

Your attorney never (may be ignored) recieved RFE notice, may not be responded 3 months span.

That is why BCIS send you intent deny notice. You have to respond with 30 days. Or else they will close your case foreever. It will be very difficult to open it later.
Actually the deadline for submission was Oct. 4th, and I already send all the requests a week before and the case is resumed according to online status...

any idea how long it would take? one year? two years? or forever??? :confused:
you have to wait approx. between one week to three months.

That is the time approximately takes to process the documents you sent in response to your RFE / Intent to Deny.
All the best.

Originally posted by cmyk55
Actually the deadline for submission was Oct. 4th, and I already send all the requests a week before and the case is resumed according to online status...

any idea how long it would take? one year? two years? or forever??? :confused: