Intent to revoke


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Hi, Everybody:

I just received my letter from INS saying that they are intent to revoke my husband visa.

Because the security officer at his apartment didn't know that he was married. And that he stated that my husband went out with his girlfriend. I have also met this person when I went down there last July. He told my husband that the embassy had misquote what he said. But because oh is statement my husband visa was denial at the embassy.

I know that my husband goes to church and that his neighbor goes to the same church and that they travel in her car because he doesn't have one. She also allows him to use her car for his business sometimes. I met her when I went down there to visit with him. She is married and her husband has okay the fact that they spend time together.

The thing that gets me is that his visa is being Revoke because of what a security officer had said. I live her for over 8 years and I don't even know my neighbors like that. I go to work and back home. If it wasn't for my kids I wouldn't know anyone here. Because I am a very private person.

I have 30 days to response to this letter or it will be denial. One lawyer that I spoke with said that he wants $800.00 to handle our case.

I have written my husband and told him about the letter. And have asked him to get notized letters from everyone and to send them to me ASP.

Do anyone know of the correct letter heading I should use if I decide to write them back myself and not use a lawyer.

Thanks Amiya:eek:
your problem was very unclear. Who'se green card has been revoked and why?
Is your husband the primary applicant? Are you a derivative? Is he an US citizen?
If you can write about your problem more clearly then somebody on the forum could help you with advice.
Hi, like I said early on this post. I am a USC and my husband is from Nigeria.

I just can't get over how they can take the word of a total stranger. I went to the embassy in July and told them that my husband is faithful to our marriage and the officer still believed that man.

I know here in the states my landlord can't give out any information about me. If someone was to come here and asked questions they will be told nothing.

I don't even know my security officer here and he don't know nothing about my personal life.

I now have less than 24 days to send in the paper work. I had write my husband and told him everything that I will need from Nigeria. According to the letter if I don't reply within the 30 days than it will be denial. I will aslo be calling him tonight to see how we will be handling this.

I have already asked my friends to write letters and get them notarized for me. Hopeful I will be able to send everything off next week.

Amiya, how is everything going. The US consulates in Nigeria are very biased people. My fiance' took everything back on the 30th and they told him they sent the petition back to the states to be reviewed to be revoked because they don't have enough information to prove the relationship. We have sent tons of info. They are cruel there. How long did it take for them to send you a letter once your petition arrived here and also do you know how long it will take for them to make a decision? Talk soon.

Nkira, sorry to hear about your fiance situations. When did your fiance went to the embassy? What exactly was said?

It will take the embassy abour 30 days to send it back. than you are looking about 6 months before you find out anything.

I worked with my senators office and it was my senators office that told me exactly what ws going on and when i would be receiving my notices of intent to revoke.

He went back on June 30th. They said they didn't have enough proof to believe it was valid. I know this was a way to punish them because of me sending them email questioning some of the things they did to him during his previous interview along with me informing my congress liason.

Have you gotten your information together to send to them. Is there a way I can send you my email?

Hi Everybody,

I already sent the paper work off. I won't call them until 60 days has passed. But I hope that they will move fast. I too, will keep in contact with my senators office. But they already told me that they will be checking on it weekly.

Thanks, Amiya
Hi Everyone:

I checked the site and my file has been updated to include a notice that says:

That they had received my responsed on July 2,2003. And that it takes between 290 and 320 days to process this case. But because the preliminary processed was already completed. The remaining process time will be less than the maximum. Also that I will receive a written decision on this case and if I have any further question or concerns to call the National customer service center.

I am taking it like because 300 days has already pass that I should be hearing from them within 3weeks. But I will keep you inform.

Thanks Amiya
Amiya, have you heard anything? I hope you got good results. I emailed you but never got a reply.

Hi, Everyone

As of right now I am waiting for an answer from them. It might come in 2 more weeks. But I will keep you all inform.

Thanks for checking with me:)
Hi Everybody:

Sorry that I haven't written lately. Work.

I received a letter this week. Saying that his visa was denied. Due to the fact that I haven't submitted any evidence. And that I have 15 days to appeal plus send them $110.

I called my senators office right away. I was told to report to their office with all of my records. The senator representative looked everything over and then went and called them.

They said that they will reopen the case. Due to the fact that my evidence probably got lost in their mail room.

So, I am still waiting for an answer.

But thank you all for writing me.

Hi, everyone, sorry for the delay in writing.

No, my case is still with the BCIS in Nebraska. I had to redo another I130 and send it to them by the senator office. I didn,t have to pay a new fee.

The senator office said that it hopeful won't be to long now. This is my first month of waiting and I can received an answer any day.

I will be going to Nigeria for a month in May if my husband isn't home by then. I will received 2 weeks with pay and 2 weeks without pay.

But thanks for thinging about me.

Hopefully, your wait won't be long. I admire your patience through this ordeal....This is a very hard test. Keep me posted.


Hi, everyone, No, I haven't received any answers yet concerning my case. So, I just went ahead and brought my ticket for Nigeria. I will be going in April but would be gone for a month. I can't wait to see my husband again.

HI, everyone

The wait is over my husband case has been approved. The new I-130 petition that I did in Dec, 2003- approved Feb, 2004; the one from Oct 2000- reapproved- Feb- 2004; the appeal letter that I sent in Sept 2003- approved and moved to reopen his case Feb-2004.

This has been a very long fight but I had hang in there with God help and now the award . My husband is coming home real soon.

I would like to take this moment and thank God and you for all of your support through this matter.

God Bless everyone of you.

Love Amiya

hi amiya i would like to know every setp you did and how long it took you to bring your husband after he was denied because iam Moroccan and i was denied too last week please let me know and thanks so much
salim150 said:
hi amiya i would like to know every setp you did and how long it took you to bring your husband after he was denied because iam Moroccan and i was denied too last week please let me know and thanks so much
thanks for writing me here is the timeline below:
I went to Nigeria in September 2000 and got married. I meet my husband thru his mother and family member here.
I-130 filed on Oct, 2000
I-130 approved on April,2001
I-130 sent to NVC and approved for visa ready on July,2001 and sent to Nigeria Embassy
interview and denied visa on Dec, 2001
consular belief that our marriage was faked and was to do an investiagation where he lives.
Jan, 2002 got in touch with my senators office where I live at.
July,2002 went to Nigeria and was told by Embassy consular that he didn't belief our marriage was real. Was given a new date to come back on Monday but couldn't because of situation back in the states had to leave Nigeria that saturday night.
got in contact with the senator office to see if I could reschedule another date but was informed that the visa has been returned back to the states for Revocation of visa.
June 10,2003 visa denied by Nebraska
June27,2003 appeal letter with proof sent off.
July 2,2003 BCIS received appeal letter- I will received a decision in 30-45 days
August 16,2003 Senator office receives word that petition was denied- they have determined that we wasn't married.
Dec, 2003 refiled a new I-130 petition and approved Feb 2004
I -130 petition file in Oct,2000- reopen Feb,2004
the appeal letter that i sent in /sept, 2003 approved and moved to reopen his case Feb-2004
I had already made plans to go to Nigeria in April13,2004 and returning May15,2004 while there we went to the embassy with all my letters from the state and my husband was granted admissioninto the embassy. I was interview on the second time he went and we left with his visa in his hand. He travel with me back to the states in May and we have been together everyday.

Hope this will help you.