Intent to Deny


Registered Users (C)
Please help needed...

I just checked the Automated message , it said the case is intend to deny.What does that mean?Please help and clarification needed if anyone has gone thru it.
No Title

It means the case won\'t be approved. Consult your lawyer immediately. By the way, could you post some details of the case? Thanks
It means...

... INS will reject your application unless you provide them evidence to defend yourself of the situation that resulted them to take the decision. The reason for "intent to deny" will be clearly marked on the form. Typically, INS gives you some time to respond to their "intent to deny" notice.

Check out my earlier post "What are the reasons for I-485 denials?" to see the common reasons for intent to deny.
They\'ll basically send u an RFE

After you respond to it you should be approved right away.
Don\'t worry.

Good thing is that your case is being reviewed right now.
Once you reply to their intent to deny RFE, you case should be approved in a week to 10 days.

Good Luck !!!
Don\'t worry !!!
To: Sita

Have you ever (possibly) been out of status?
Have you been without pay for long time?
Even if you were out of status for less than 180 days, you can

apply for 245(i)and pay a fine of $1000.00.
That is BS

If you don\'t know about a particular thing, please do not post BS. There is huge difference between RFE and intent to deny. Talk to your attorney if you have any doubt but do not spread BS here on the board.
What is the huge diff between an RFE and Intent to Deny ?

The consequences of not responding to either of them is the same smart ass.
Please update status sita

Sita please update the status of what happended to your intent to deny petition.